Study Reveals the Secret of Longevity in Gili Iyang and Miduana, Indonesia

longevity indonesia islands

Recent research conducted by the University of Indonesia’s Faculty of Medicine (FKUI) in collaboration with the Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) has revealed the secret of longevity in two regions of Indonesia, namely Gili Iyang in East Java and Miduana in West Java. 

The research provides an in-depth insight into the factors that influence the longevity and health of the population in these two regions.

Exceptional Population Longevity

The study was titled ‘Health Active Aging and Longevity (Halo Project) in Indonesia: Nutritional and Health Status, Lifestyle, Profiles, Quality of Life, and Environmental Quality. It involved 79 respondents from Gili Iyang and Miduana Villages aged 70 years and above. Of these, 42 respondents came from Gili Iyang and 37 from Miduana.

In Gili Iyang, there were 5 people aged 78-79, 12 people aged 88-89, 17 people aged 98-99, and 8 people aged 100 years or more. Meanwhile, in Miduana, there were 8 people aged 70-79, 14 people aged 88-89, 12 people aged 98-99, and 3 people aged 100 years or older.

Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition

Prof Dr Septelia Inawati Wanandi from FKUI, who is also the lead researcher in this study, explained that several main factors influence the longevity of the population in both regions. One of the most important factors is a healthy lifestyle. The elderly population in Gili Iyang and Miduana remain active in their daily activities. Some are still working despite their advanced age.

Nutrition also plays an important role. The elderly population in both areas is known to consume healthy and fresh food sourced directly from nature. In Gili Iyang, for example, elderly residents often eat corn rice, fish, and moringa leaves. These foods are rich in nutrients that are important for a healthy body and prolong life.

Social Relationships and Mental Health

Social and psychological factors also contribute significantly to the longevity of residents in Gili Iyang and Miduana. Older residents in both areas have strong relationships with their families and neighbouring communities. They receive good social support and remain involved in social and religious activities. This provides a sense of purpose and happiness that has a positive impact on their mental health.

Favourable Environment

Apart from lifestyle and nutrition, environmental factors also play an important role in supporting the longevity of the population in both regions. Gili Iyang, which is a small island with a hot climate, provides a clean and healthy environment. Meanwhile, Miduana, which is located in the highlands with a cooler climate, also offers a comfortable environment for the elderly population.

Elderly residents in both areas are comfortable with their living environment. They understand the positive and negative values of their neighbourhood and are able to adapt well. A clean and healthy environment and strong social relationships make them feel happier and healthier.

Challenges to a Healthy Older Population

Indonesia’s Deputy Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, emphasised that Indonesia is currently entering an ageing population phase. Based on the 2023 population census data, around 12 per cent or around 29 million Indonesians are elderly. This figure is expected to increase to 20 percent by 2045, with the number of elderly reaching around 50 million people.

Prof. Dante emphasised that although Indonesia has a demographic bonus with a high number of working-age people in 2045, the ageing population should not burden the country. The elderly should be given the opportunity to stay active and maintain their optimal health. This is important to ensure they can lead a quality and productive life despite their advanced age.

Preventive and Curative Efforts

Dr Nida Rohmawati, Director of Productive Age and Elderly Health at the Ministry of Health (MOH) highlights the importance of comprehensive health services for the elderly. The Puskesmas for the Elderly programme provides access to preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services. These services include routine check-ups such as blood pressure and blood sugar measurements, as well as education on healthy lifestyles.

The Minister of Health Regulation No. 6 Year 2024 regulates the minimum service standards in the health sector for the elderly. This includes education on clean and healthy living behaviours and screening for health risk factors. Screening results will be followed up with further examination or referral to higher health services if needed.

The Importance of an Active Lifestyle

In addition to health services, maintaining an active lifestyle is also very important for the health of the elderly. Regular exercise and physical activity can help keep the body fit and prevent various chronic diseases. Seniors who remain physically active tend to have a better quality of life and a longer lifespan.

Further Research

Prof Septelia suggested further molecular research to understand the genetic and biological factors that influence the longevity and health of the elderly in Indonesia. This research is important to develop precision medicine approaches that can help the elderly undergo healthy and active ageing.

A combination of Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Environment, and Strong Social Relationships Key to Longevity in Gili Iyang and Miduana

FKUI and ERIA research shows that a combination of a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, physical activity, a supportive environment, and strong social relationships are key factors influencing the longevity and health of residents in Gili Iyang and Miduana. By understanding and implementing these factors, we can improve the quality of life of older people across Indonesia and ensure that they can lead healthy, happy and productive lives into old age.

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