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Medical Channel Asia Latest Questions

Im 30yo female I used to be on birth control for about ages 15-25 to regulate my hormones and for acne. Not sure which brands i took. At 25yo i switched to the depot injection because i wanted more long ...

  1. It's great that you're exploring different birth control options, especially given your concerns and experiences. Here's a breakdown of the options you mentioned: Implanon (Nexplanon) Hormone Implant: How It Works: It's a small rod implanted under the skin of your arm that releases a hormone calledRead more

    It’s great that you’re exploring different birth control options, especially given your concerns and experiences. Here’s a breakdown of the options you mentioned:

    1. Implanon (Nexplanon) Hormone Implant:
      • How It Works: It’s a small rod implanted under the skin of your arm that releases a hormone called etonogestrel over three years.
      • Effectiveness: Very effective with a less than 1% failure rate.
      • Side Effects: Some women experience irregular periods, mood swings, or changes in appetite. Given your history with the Depo injection, it’s important to discuss this option with your doctor, as hormonal implants can also affect mood.
    2. Mirena IUD (Hormonal IUD):
      • How It Works: It releases levonorgestrel, a hormone that thickens cervical mucus and thins the uterine lining, preventing pregnancy for up to five years.
      • Effectiveness: Also very effective with less than a 1% failure rate.
      • Side Effects: It may reduce or even stop periods over time, which can be beneficial for some women. Mood swings can occur, but they are generally less common than with systemic hormonal birth control like the pill or injection. It could be a safer option for you compared to Depo, but a consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial.
    3. Copper IUD (Non-Hormonal IUD):
      • How It Works: It creates a toxic environment for sperm, preventing fertilization. It can last for up to 10 years.
      • Effectiveness: Highly effective with a less than 1% failure rate.
      • Side Effects: Yes, periods can become heavier and more painful, especially in the first few months. However, since it’s hormone-free, it won’t affect your mood, which might be a significant benefit given your history.


    • Mood Concerns: Given your history with severe mood swings and suicidal ideations from hormonal birth control, it’s critical to discuss any new options with a healthcare provider, particularly a gynecologist or a women’s health specialist. They can help tailor the best solution for you.
    • Accessibility in Singapore: All three options are available in Singapore, but you’ll need to consult with your doctor to get a prescription and have the device inserted.
    • Latex Allergy: Given your husband’s latex allergy, non-latex condoms (like those made of polyurethane or polyisoprene) are also an option for added protection.

    It’s good to gather information, but the next step should be to consult with a gynecologist to find the safest and most effective option tailored to your needs.


    All responses provided by HELF are generated by its AI architecture. The information shared is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a healthcare provider for any medical concerns, diagnosis or treatment.

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