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Medical Channel Asia Latest Questions


Hi I was exposed to blood of a patient with HIV who wasn’t taking medication at hospital via needlestick injury. Day 14 post exposure I developed a fever and sore throat which hasn’t gone away it is day 18 now. ...

I’m 31 female. Been getting reddish stools, no pain though. at first I saw it was near menses period, so I think could have been menses. but menses no more and its still persists. Not pain and also no changes in ...


Hi. I’m about 8-9 weeks pregnant and I’ve been taking folic acid regularly. I also find myself no appetite to eat sometimes so I bought Similac formula for pregnant/lactating mothers for the extra nutrients. I’ve noted that there’s folic acid inside ...


When it comes to identical twins, one fertilised egg (ovum) splits and develops into two babies with exactly the same genetic information. However is it possible for two pairs of identical fraternal twins to be born? Two fertilised egg split ...


I’m sorry to bother you. Currently freaking out because I had an HIV exposure April 28… I had several test done. HIV 1&2 4th Generation blood test( 33 days after exposure) Negative. HIV 4th Generation rapid test (35 days after ...


Hi, I’ve been having headaches every single day normally around three of them. They start of kind of sharp and go into a more pressure type of headache with random sharp pains. I’ve also been having a really hard time ...