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Medical Channel Asia Latest Questions


My poop has changed colour. What does that mean?

I’ve noticed a change in the color of my stool recently, and I’m wondering what it could indicate. It’s not the usual brown color—it’s either lighter or darker, sometimes even red or green. I’m curious to know if this change in color could be a sign of an underlying health issue or if it’s just a result of something I ate.

1 Doctor Answer

  1. Brown poop or dark brown poop is generally a normal colour. If it’s black, that’s not good. It could mean bleeding. If it’s green, you probably have a lot of green vegetables. If it’s white, that’s not good because it may mean your bile duct is blocked. If it’s yellow, you may have too much fat and grease. If it’s red, it could mean you had a lot of red fruits or vegetables, but it could also that there is blood and there is bleeding. That is not normal.

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