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  1. Lumps in and around the anus are common issue that many patients see us for regardless of age or gender, so please don't feel like you are too young to see someone for it! From the description of the lump it does sound like it could be haemorrhoids (also known as piles) Haemorrhoids are actually norRead more

    Lumps in and around the anus are common issue that many patients see us for regardless of age or gender, so please don’t feel like you are too young to see someone for it! From the description of the lump it does sound like it could be haemorrhoids (also known as piles)

    Haemorrhoids are actually normal structures at the anus, and are present in every one of us! They are blood vessels that fill and drain to help with fine control of continence in addition to the anal sphincter muscle. However in some people they do become symptomatic and can swell, bleed and even prolapse (come out of the anus) and present like a new lump around the area.

    Anal cancer if present tends to be hard and fixed, may cause difficulty passing motion if large enough and may even have other symptoms associated like loss of weight and appetite. Based on your description it does not sound likely, but I would certainly suggest to go to a doctor to have it checked – even if it ends up being nothing I think it is worth the peace of mind!

    Dr Eugene Yeo
    Colorectal & General Surgeon
    Eugene Yeo Colorectal & Minimally Invasive Surgery (TEN Surgery Group)
    Email: [email protected]

    The information provided on this forum is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider for any medical concerns, diagnosis or treatment.

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  2. all those methods like intermittent fasting etc do not work on me too! ozempic should just be accessible to everyone. if plastic surgery is accessible then why not ozempic right! 

    all those methods like intermittent fasting etc do not work on me too! ozempic should just be accessible to everyone. if plastic surgery is accessible then why not ozempic right! 

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  3. Brown poop or dark brown poop is generally a normal colour. If it’s black, that’s not good. It could mean bleeding. If it’s green, you probably have a lot of green vegetables. If it’s white, that’s not good because it may mean your bile duct is blocked. If it’s yellow, you may have too much fat andRead more

    Brown poop or dark brown poop is generally a normal colour. If it’s black, that’s not good. It could mean bleeding. If it’s green, you probably have a lot of green vegetables. If it’s white, that’s not good because it may mean your bile duct is blocked. If it’s yellow, you may have too much fat and grease. If it’s red, it could mean you had a lot of red fruits or vegetables, but it could also that there is blood and there is bleeding. That is not normal.

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  4. It could be angina. Angina is defined as chest pain precipitated by effort and relieved by rest or the medication nitroglycerine. There can be some subtle symptoms, like fatigability and shortness of breath. It occurs when part of your heart muscle does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. You should hRead more

    It could be angina. Angina is defined as chest pain precipitated by effort and relieved by rest or the medication nitroglycerine. There can be some subtle symptoms, like fatigability and shortness of breath. It occurs when part of your heart muscle does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. You should have a check with your doctor. They will do an ECG and check your medical history to confirm if it is coronary artery disease.

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