Author: Cherine

Cherine is a registered pharmacist with the Singapore Pharmacy Council (SPC). With experience in hospital pharmacy, retail pharmacy and private sectors, Cherine carries with her a wealth of healthcare and medical expertise. In her free time, she also takes part in many fitness and exercise programmes.

PSA: Medical Channel Asia (MCA) is now on Telegram! Join us here for daily reads and the latest updates at your fingertips! Who Should Apply Sunscreen? Everyone should apply sunscreen everyday, all year long. Sunscreen is one of the most essential skincare steps, apart from cleansing and moisturising. If you belong to any of the following groups of people, it is even more crucial that you apply it:  Fair-skinned people (as they are likely to absorb more solar energy than dark-skinned people under the same conditions) People taking medications that may increase sun sensitivity  People who have been treated…

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One of the most common problems presented to primary care clinics is ankle sprains. Sprains can happen when you overstretch or twist a muscle. This is especially if you skip warming up before exercising. Fortunately, after 2 weeks, most people will recover from ankle sprains on their own. 

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