Author: Clement Kee

Clement is a writer and an editor. When not obsessing over grammar and language, he likes to play online games and pig out on good food. He would also love to travel if he could, but he can’t, so he shan’t.

In a year dominated by the pandemic, wearing a face mask has become part of our daily routine. If you’ve noticed pimples appearing on areas usually covered by the masks, you might be experiencing mask acne, or “maskne”. Covering up is still important. But in this article, uncover the truth of maskne – what causes it, and ways to treat or prevent it from happening.  What causes maskne?   The most common kind of maskne is “acne mechanica”, which is a type of acne caused by friction, heat, or pressure on the skin. Breathing and talking traps warm, moist air under our…

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