Author: Dr Harivinthan Manavalan

Dr Harivinthan

Dr Harivinthan is a medical doctor with experience in clinical practice, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. He is currently involved in Diabetic Wound Care and Nutrition. He does freelance medical writing in pursuit of lifelong learning and to help spread awareness to the general public.

A recent study shows that delaying sleep by just 90 minutes each night damages blood vessels, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases. A study conducted in the University of Columbia recently showed that mild sleep restriction among female individuals causes an increase in oxidative stress in blood vessels. It is the first direct evidence linking mild, chronic sleep deficits to causing heart disease.

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A study has shown that Tthe earlier an individual gets was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, the greater the reduction in life expectancy. Every decade of earlier diagnosis was associated with 3 to 4 years of reduced life expectancy. The study, conducted by a team from University of Cambridge and University of Glasgow analyzed data from two large-scale data sources, the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration and UK Biobank. Data from more than 1.5 million participants were used in this study.  

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It is vital for us to be aware of the dangers that come with the haze. We should also be vigilant and safeguard members of our community especially those who are more susceptible to the effects of the haze. While we might not be able to neutralise the factors causing the haze, we can certainly do our part to reduce its effects and keep each other safe.

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