Author: Dr Yuvina

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Dr Yuvina is a medical professional practicing in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has also worked as a doctor for multiple government organisations and product manager for pharmaceutical companies. Dr Yuvina is currently the Indonesian correspondent for Medical Channel Asia. She enjoys sharing medical news and knowledge to help readers become more informed about the happenings in Indonesia.

Following the deaths of at least 1,300 people at this year’s hajj, the health of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia has become a critical issue. Witnesses and experts say a combination of scorching temperatures and difficulties with crowd control made the sacred event disorienting and dangerous. These pilgrims lack access to essential facilities like air-conditioned buses and tents. Consequently, they must endure long walks under the scorching sun without adequate protection. This situation highlights significant health risks associated with unregistered Hajj participation.

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In July and August 2024, the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI) issued a stark warning about the anticipated surge in dengue fever (DF) cases across the archipelago. This increase is primarily attributed to the prevailing hot weather conditions that have engulfed Indonesia, particularly impacting regions such as Bali and West Java.

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The 2023 Indonesia Health Survey (SKI) reveals that the prevalence of stunting remains alarmingly high, standing at 21.5 percent. This marks a mere 0.1 percent decrease from the previous year, highlighting the significant challenge faced by the government. Preparing for the 2045 Golden Generation and meeting the ambitious target of reducing stunting to 14 percent by the end of the year is crucial.

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Dilla Jaidi, a prominent influencer, has sensitive skin prone to acne. Despite regularly applying makeup, she maintains a clear complexion. Her skincare regimen includes double cleansing, selecting suitable makeup, and avoiding heavy-textured cosmetics. This article explores Dilla’s methods, providing valuable insights for those with similar skin concerns.

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The recent passage of Indonesia’s new Maternal and Child Welfare Law marks a significant legislative effort aimed at enhancing conditions for working mothers and fathers. However, amidst its noble intentions, the law has sparked debates regarding its potential impacts on gender norms and inequality in welfare, cautioned by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan).

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