Author: Dr Yuvina

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Dr Yuvina is a medical professional practicing in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has also worked as a doctor for multiple government organisations and product manager for pharmaceutical companies. Dr Yuvina is currently the Indonesian correspondent for Medical Channel Asia. She enjoys sharing medical news and knowledge to help readers become more informed about the happenings in Indonesia.

Indonesian actress Prilly Latuconsina has recently made headlines for her remarkable weight loss journey. She shed an impressive 10 kg without resorting to stringent diet plans. Instead, she adopted a holistic approach, embracing a healthier lifestyle over the course of a year. Prilly’s transformation serves as an inspiring example, demonstrating that sustainable weight loss is achievable through simple yet effective dietary and lifestyle modifications.

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Indonesians rank among the highest consumers of microplastics globally, as revealed by a recent study conducted by Cornell University. The study meticulously maps the absorption of microplastics across 109 countries, revealing a staggering consumption rate of 15 grams per month for Indonesians. This alarming figure significantly surpasses that of other nations and has increased by 59-fold from 1990 to 2018.

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Indonesia’s new health law does not impede the consumption of jamu, a traditional herbal medicine deeply intertwined with the nation’s culture. While the law aims to regulate production and distribution for quality assurance, this form of traditional medicine remains a cherished aspect of Indonesian healthcare practices. Its diverse benefits and cultural significance underscore its enduring relevance in the nation’s holistic approach to wellness.

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