Author: Dr Yuvina

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Dr Yuvina is a medical professional practicing in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has also worked as a doctor for multiple government organisations and product manager for pharmaceutical companies. Dr Yuvina is currently the Indonesian correspondent for Medical Channel Asia. She enjoys sharing medical news and knowledge to help readers become more informed about the happenings in Indonesia.

Dengue fever cases in Indonesia have skyrocketed by a staggering 200% in 2024, leaving healthcare facilities overwhelmed. By April, over 621 dengue deaths had been reported, highlighting the urgent need to contain the spread of this mosquito-borne viral illness.

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Indonesia, a Southeast Asian archipelago nestled within the fiery embrace of the Pacific Ring of Fire, is no stranger to volcanic activity. In April 2024, Mount Ruang, a formidable volcano in the eastern province of Lampung, stirred from its slumber. This awakening, marked by a series of eruptions spewing ash and molten lava, sent shockwaves through the region, displacing thousands of residents and leaving a trail of disruption.

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Fortunately, various effective treatments are available for mental health conditions. Psychotherapy (talk therapy) helps individuals develop coping mechanisms and address underlying emotional issues. Through therapy, individuals can learn to manage their thoughts and emotions, develop healthier relationships, and improve their overall well-being. Medication can also help manage symptoms of mental illness. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and other medications can help individuals find relief from the debilitating symptoms associated with mental health conditions. It’s important to note that the most effective treatment approach is often a combination of psychotherapy and medication tailored to the specific needs of each individual.

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