Author: Tristenne Ocampo

Tristenne is a 25-year old Occupational Therapist from Manila, Philippines. Being in the profession sparked her advocacy for inclusion, holistic health promotion, and fostering deep human connections. She believes that words are the most powerful tool to inform and to inspire, and she found her voice through writing. During her free time, you can find her in the kitchen or on her yoga mat. A perfect day for her starts by riding the waves, while a book and a glass of vodka cocktail awaits her come sundown. Her dream is to have a big family of her own.

Simply brushing our teeth is not enough. In a poll conducted to determine the Top 10 Countries with the healthiest teeth, there was no Asian country in sight. In fact, according to the Ministry of Health Malaysia’s 2015 National Oral Health Survey of Adults, 9 out of 10 had periodontal disease or gum disease. And this likely started out at an early age. In Singapore, shocking statistics showed 50% of preschoolers were already found to have tooth decay.  Taking care of our teeth involves many more steps than just brushing. Read on to hear what dentists themselves have to say…

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According to a study by the World Health Organization, almost 60% of fatalities in Southeast Asia are due to falls. Fall-related deaths are also, often reported from middle to low-income countries, affecting mostly the older adults and the poor disproportionately. The older population is increasing drastically in Asia, with Japan hailed as having the “oldest population” with the most number of citizens aged 65 years old and above. It is expected that the elderly population in Asia will surpass that of Europe and North America by 2050. Cultural factors also exist wherein fall accidents go unreported, especially when there is…

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The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers in broad, to a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterised by persistent impairment of social communication and interaction skills, alongside restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviours, interests and activities.  Awareness of autism or ASD has increased exponentially in the last decade along with other developmental conditions. Health care practitioners are continuously advocating for early intervention which is vital in children with autism. Parents have gained easy access to information regarding different conditions and their red flags. This makes them more vigilant about their child’s behaviours and performance. However, there is also a growing amount…

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