DOH Confirms Legitimacy of Mobile Survey for Non-Communicable Disease Awareness

mobile phone survey philippines

The Department of Health (DOH) has clarified that the mobile number “22566345” used for its recent survey on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is legitimate and not a scam.

This clarification was issued on May 6, 2024, to alleviate public concern and encourage participation in the survey.

Objective of the Survey

The primary goal of this mobile survey is to gather critical data on non-communicable diseases, which include chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases. These diseases pose significant health challenges and require robust data to formulate effective public health strategies.

The Importance of Non-Communicable Diseases Surveys

Awareness of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is crucial due to their significant impact on global health, economic stability, and sustainable development. These diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer, are leading causes of death and disability worldwide. They are also common contributors to the global disease burden and strain healthcare systems.

  • Early Detection and Management

Understanding NCDs facilitates early detection and effective management. Educating the public about symptoms and risk factors can lead to earlier diagnoses and timely medical interventions, reducing morbidity and mortality associated with these conditions. 

  • Lifestyle Modifications

Public awareness campaigns play a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyle choices that can prevent or delay the onset of NCDs. Key lifestyle modifications include maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco use, and limiting alcohol consumption. 

  • Economic Impact

NCDs have a profound economic impact, increasing healthcare costs and reducing productivity due to illness-related absenteeism and premature deaths. Raising awareness and promoting preventive strategies can alleviate these economic burdens, enhancing overall economic stability.

  • Sustainable Development

Effective management and prevention of NCDs are critical for sustainable development. These diseases affect environmental, social, and economic domains, thereby hindering sustainable development efforts. Addressing NCDs through awareness and policy interventions is vital for achieving long-term developmental goals​.

  • Advocacy and Policy Change

Raising awareness empowers communities to advocate for better healthcare policies and infrastructure. Public understanding of the importance of healthy lifestyles and access to necessary medical care can drive policy changes that support the prevention and management of NCDs. 

Survey Details

The DOH emphasised that participation in the survey is voluntary and free of charge. The survey seeks to collect data on the prevalence and risk factors associated with NCDs. This will be instrumental in shaping future health policies and programs to combat these diseases. Participants’ responses will provide valuable insights into different regions’ health behaviours and conditions. Subsequently, it can be used for more tailored and effective health interventions.

Public Reassurance

The DOH assured that the survey’s methodology and data handling processes comply with strict confidentiality and privacy standards. The department also urged contribution to the national effort to understand and mitigate the impact of NCDs. The DOH aims to build trust and encourage wider participation by protecting personal data. This is crucial for obtaining comprehensive and accurate data.

Combatting Misinformation

This clarification from the DOH comes amid widespread reports of SMS scams. Consequently, the public is more wary of unsolicited messages. By affirming the authenticity of the survey, the DOH aims to prevent misinformation and ensure that valuable health data can be collected without hindrance. Combatting misinformation is essential for the success of public health initiatives, as trust and participation are key factors in the effectiveness of data collection and policy implementation.


The DOH’s initiative to clarify the legitimacy of the “22566345” mobile survey is a crucial step in fostering public trust and encouraging participation. As non-communicable diseases continue to be a major health concern, the data gathered through this survey will be vital in enhancing public health interventions and improving health outcomes across the Philippines. The insights gained from this survey will help shape effective strategies to combat NCDs, ultimately leading to a healthier population and a more robust healthcare system. By addressing public concerns and promoting active participation, the DOH underscores the importance of collective efforts in tackling the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.

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