Search Results: chronic pain (227)

The Department of Health confirms the first vaping-related death in the Philippines, highlighting serious health risks and sparking urgent discussions on stricter e-cigarette regulations. Health experts and advocates call for comprehensive measures to protect the youth from vaping-related illnesses and prevent further tragedies.

Indonesians rank among the highest consumers of microplastics globally, as revealed by a recent study conducted by Cornell University. The study meticulously maps the absorption of microplastics across 109 countries, revealing a staggering consumption rate of 15 grams per month for Indonesians. This alarming figure significantly surpasses that of other nations and has increased by 59-fold from 1990 to 2018.

Recent findings by the EcoWaste Coalition have revealed alarming levels of lead in medallions sold at the Quiapo Church in Manila. This discovery has raised significant health concerns for consumers, particularly those purchasing these items for religious purposes. The presence of such high levels of lead poses a severe risk, emphasising the need for immediate action and heightened awareness.

Indonesia’s new health law does not impede the consumption of jamu, a traditional herbal medicine deeply intertwined with the nation’s culture. While the law aims to regulate production and distribution for quality assurance, this form of traditional medicine remains a cherished aspect of Indonesian healthcare practices. Its diverse benefits and cultural significance underscore its enduring relevance in the nation’s holistic approach to wellness.

What are the challenges of lupus in Asia? We examine insights into its prevalence, unique clinical manifestations, and the need for personalized healthcare approaches. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues and cells. One of the most common types of lupus is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), in which the disease is system-wide, causing widespread inflammation and tissue damage in multiple organs.