Browsing: Insulin

The vibrating capsule, likened to the feeling of drinking a glass full of water before eating, targets the brain’s perception of satiety. When ingested 20 minutes prior to a meal, it stimulates mechanoreceptors, which in turn signal the brain via the vagus cranial nerve. This signal initiates the production of hormones such as insulin, GLP-1, C-peptide, and PYY, reducing hunger and enhancing the digestion process. In animal models, this mechanism resulted in a reduction of food consumption by about 40%.

Dr Goh shared that “The complications from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have serious complications when they attack blood vessels. When this happens, it can cause microvascular heart diseases and lead to blindness, kidney failure, loss of sensations in the nerve and more. Macrovascular heart disease causes heart attack and stroke.

Type 1 diabetes usually has more complications and has a greater impact on reducing the lifespan. However, in both diseases, the life expectancy is reduced. Therefore, the patient is better off getting a reversal cure via metabolic surgery. 

The Department of Health Center for Health Development in the Ilocos Region (DOH-CHD-1) is taking proactive steps to address the increasing prevalence of diabetes in the area. The DOH is introducing regular free mobile diabetic screening tests and health promotion initiatives. They aim to raise awareness about diabetes prevention and encourage a healthier lifestyle among the local population.

A study has shown that Tthe earlier an individual gets was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, the greater the reduction in life expectancy. Every decade of earlier diagnosis was associated with 3 to 4 years of reduced life expectancy. The study, conducted by a team from University of Cambridge and University of Glasgow analyzed data from two large-scale data sources, the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration and UK Biobank. Data from more than 1.5 million participants were used in this study.  

Discover the benefits and risks of intermittent fasting, a popular dietary pattern that involves alternating between periods of fasting and eating. This article covers recommendations for safe and effective implementation, and discusses different types of intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 method, alternate day fasting, and the 5:2 diet.