Search Results: Obesity (204)

The study utilised data from 115,726 participants enrolled in the Health Examinees (HEXA) study. The study is a component of the larger Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study. It is aimed at exploring the risk factors for chronic diseases among adults over 40 in Korea. Researchers assessed the participants’ dietary intake through a food frequency questionnaire, including their consumption of various types of kimchi. They analysed the relationship between kimchi intake, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference.

The vibrating capsule, likened to the feeling of drinking a glass full of water before eating, targets the brain’s perception of satiety. When ingested 20 minutes prior to a meal, it stimulates mechanoreceptors, which in turn signal the brain via the vagus cranial nerve. This signal initiates the production of hormones such as insulin, GLP-1, C-peptide, and PYY, reducing hunger and enhancing the digestion process. In animal models, this mechanism resulted in a reduction of food consumption by about 40%.

Discover the growing epidemic of childhood obesity in Asia and its risks and impact on the younger generation. Read about the prevalence of childhood obesity in countries such as China, India, and Indonesia, and the causes such as urbanization and access to high-calorie foods. Learn about prevention and intervention methods through government initiatives, healthcare professionals, and family involvement.

Trying and failing to lose weight can leave you feeling stuck and defeated. But a larger truth may have been overlooked. This article takes a deeper look at widespread misconceptions, separating fact from fiction when it comes to obesity.