Author: Cherine

Cherine is a registered pharmacist with the Singapore Pharmacy Council (SPC). With experience in hospital pharmacy, retail pharmacy and private sectors, Cherine carries with her a wealth of healthcare and medical expertise. In her free time, she also takes part in many fitness and exercise programmes.

Trying and failing to lose weight can leave you feeling stuck and defeated. But a larger truth may have been overlooked. This article takes a deeper look at widespread misconceptions, separating fact from fiction when it comes to obesity.

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Everyone would likely have experienced mouth ulcers once in their life before. Find out what causes them and how to handle them. The ulcers usually appear inside the mouth, on the cheek or lips. In some cases, the ulcers might even form on the tongue. Mouth ulcers are painful and bothersome. It affects your eating and drinking. How do we avoid getting mouth ulcers? And if you get such ulcers, what should you do to speed up the recovery? PSA: Medical Channel Asia (MCA) is now on Telegram! Join us here for daily reads and the latest updates at…

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What are Corns and Calluses? Corns are small lumps of hard skin and are often painful. A corn has a hard center, surrounded by an area of irritated skin. Usually, corns affect the bottom of your feet and the sides of your toes. On the other hand, calluses are larger patches of rough and thick skin. They usually develop on your hands, fingers, feet or toes. They also usually do not hurt.  Corns and calluses should not be confused with plantar warts (warts on the soles of the feet that are caused by human papilloma virus). Warts disrupt normal skin…

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