Author: Dr Yuvina

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Dr Yuvina is a medical professional practicing in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has also worked as a doctor for multiple government organisations and product manager for pharmaceutical companies. Dr Yuvina is currently the Indonesian correspondent for Medical Channel Asia. She enjoys sharing medical news and knowledge to help readers become more informed about the happenings in Indonesia.

Ella Nanda Sari Hasibuan (30), a woman from Medan, died after undergoing a liposuction procedure at WSJ beauty clinic in Depok on 22 July 2024. Ella was in critical condition after her blood vessel burst, and she died on the way to the hospital.

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The controversy over Aoka bread has finally been concluded. The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has confirmed that Aoka bread produced by PT Abadi Rasa Food is safe for consumption.  Sample testing conducted by BPOM showed that Aoka bread does not contain sodium dehydroacetate, as has been rumoured.

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The Bediding phenomenon hit the southern region of Java, bringing extreme cold temperatures that impact human health.  Bediding is a seasonal phenomenon that occurs at the beginning of the dry season. The term itself comes from the Javanese word “Bedhidhing’. The air temperature becomes very cold from night to morning, while the temperature soars to strong heat during the day. Due to the drastic temperature change, it triggers hypothermia and respiratory illnesses in some people.

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Recently, a viral video on social media showed an angry woman buying UHT milk at a minimarket. In the video, the woman asked for her money back because the milk she received was not cold.  Many netizens found her reaction excessive and suggested immediately storing the milk in the refrigerator instead of getting angry in front of the minimarket cashier. Difference between UHT and Pasteurised Milk Storage Professor Dr Ir Hardinsyah, MS, Chairman of Pergizi Pangan Indonesia, explained that pasteurised milk needs to be stored in the refrigerator. ‘Pasteurised milk has a short shelf life if left at room temperature.…

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