Author: Tristenne Ocampo

Tristenne is a 25-year old Occupational Therapist from Manila, Philippines. Being in the profession sparked her advocacy for inclusion, holistic health promotion, and fostering deep human connections. She believes that words are the most powerful tool to inform and to inspire, and she found her voice through writing. During her free time, you can find her in the kitchen or on her yoga mat. A perfect day for her starts by riding the waves, while a book and a glass of vodka cocktail awaits her come sundown. Her dream is to have a big family of her own.

Hair loss is a medical condition that is experienced by almost everyone at some point in their lives. Even if it is easy to confirm by visual inspection, there are a lot of factors to be considered and usually, it is hard to rule out a single cause. Asians have the lowest incidence of hair loss, but those who are affected can still face serious health consequences and damage to self-esteem. Diagnosis The cause of hair loss should be determined to know the appropriate treatment. The following symptoms may warrant a doctor’s consultation: Unsure of the cause of hair loss…

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The skin is the largest organ of the body and it is the first line of defense against bacteria and infections. Burns are the most common household injury that damages this protective barrier. It may be due to thermal, chemical, electrical, or radiation events. It is classified by size and depth, extent, and the burn mechanism, as well as body location to help determine its severity. The most common burn mechanism is thermal burn and is frequently reported in both children and adults.  Classification by Depth 1. Superficial burn Caused by sunburn or brief exposure to hot substances  Red, dry,…

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As an allied health profession that was only introduced in the 20th century, Occupational Therapy is relatively new and highly evolving. The common knowledge is that occupational therapy is part of the rehabilitation team that works alongside physical therapists and speech therapists. Physical therapy helps with mobility while speech therapy addresses language and communication concerns. But what exactly is Occupational Therapy and who can benefit from it? In the month of April, let’s celebrate and find out more about this rapidly evolving profession! “Occupational” Therapy Occupational therapy does not only deal with “occupations” or “jobs”. Occupation is defined as anything…

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Birth control is a contraceptive tool that is utilised to prevent the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies. It has gained momentum as societies recognise the importance of female’s having autonomy over their body, and being able to practise positive sexuality. In this article, the term “woman” refers to all individuals with the following anatomical organs: a vagina, uterus, and/or fallopian tubes. The prevalence of contraception amongst women has increased, and in order to proceed with any method of birth control, consent must be sought, and individuals must have ample time for discernment. The most popular and effective birth control methods that…

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting 10% of women of reproductive age. The hormonal disarray in PCOS presents as a syndrome or group of symptoms affecting the ovaries and ovulation, usually coupled with weight gain and metabolic complications, posing far-reaching implications on health beyond reproductive function.  What are the main features of PCOS? The 3 main features are: Increased levels of male hormones (androgens) or hyperandrogenism: Excess male hormones may result in physical signs like excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), acne and male-pattern baldness. Irregular menstrual periods Hyperandrogenism inhibits ovulation, which is the monthly release…

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Eczema is a skin condition characterised mainly by itchy, inflamed patches of skin. There are 7 types of eczema, with atopic dermatitis (AD) being the most common. Eczema is thus often used to refer to AD, with both the terms “Eczema” and “AD” being used interchangeably, as in this article. AD often begins before 5 years of age. Some people outgrow the condition, while others will continue to have it throughout adulthood, with periodic quiescence and flares.  The term “atopic” refers to an overreactive immune system which has heightened response to allergic triggers; research studies reveal that almost 80% of…

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects approximately 20 million people around the world. It is often regarded as a disability that may affect an individual’s educational and occupational performance or cause difficulties in sustaining relationships. People who are diagnosed with schizophrenia are usually stigmatised and unfairly labelled as being ‘crazy’, or ‘out of touch with reality’. Self-stigmatisation is also common where individuals with schizophrenia believe negative labels about themselves which may affect their lives significantly. Understanding this mental condition can help to eliminate the stigma, and prevent diagnosed individuals from being ostracised.  World Mental Health Day falls on 10…

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition that includes a pattern of obsessions that lead to repetitive behaviours or compulsions. Individuals diagnosed with OCD may experience a great deal of stress or frustrations in overcoming their anxieties.   OCD by definition is ‘represented by a diverse group of symptoms that include intrusive thoughts, rituals, preoccupations, and compulsions’. These affect the individual’s life significantly, preventing them from feeling like they are in control. Obsessions and compulsions are the key characteristics of OCD. Obsessions can be recurrent and intrusive thoughts, feelings, ideas, or sensations, whereas compulsions are conscious, standardised acts or behaviours that are…

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Have you ever cringed or felt nauseous when looking at clusters of holes? Trypophobia, or a fear of holes, is a term that was coined in the early 2000s. As yet, it is not an official condition or medical term and there are limited studies on the subject. However, many individuals describe feeling extreme discomfort when they encounter a cluster of tiny holes or bumps that are grouped together. This definitely makes trypophobia an interesting topic for further studies.  What does trypophobia mean? Trypa originates from the Greek word for “grilling” or “hole”. A case report in 2018 defined trypophobia…

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In tropical countries, “urban cycling” is gaining popularity. Riding a bicycle or a motorcycle is the preferred mode of transportation because of its cost-effectiveness, convenience, and sustainability. Because of the increasing number of motorcyclists and bicyclists, accidents have also been on the rise in major cities of Southeast Asia in recent years. Notably, Thailand has been hailed as the most accident-prone country for motorcyclists in the world according to a 2015 report study by World Health Organisation (WHO). It is useful to know how to manage injuries from bicycle or motorcycle-related accidents to minimise damage and promote recovery. Here are…

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