Author: Umme Habiba

Umme chose writing as her career because she believes words have a tremendous and spontaneous impact. She has been in this field for years now and is looking forward to pursuing it for a lifetime. She enjoys being able to write around the topic of healthcare as she takes this social responsibility upon herself to raise awareness about health conditions and how readers can start living a healthy life. She believes there’s a lot more for her to explore, practice and adopt since a writer can never get enough of how words can be used.

Just search “fitspiration”, an amalgamation of “fit inspiration” on any Instagram and you’ll be met with an onslaught of almost 100 million posts from people all around the world, showcasing their best-looking, often leanest, versions of themselves. With this relentless exposure to the “lives” of celebrities, professional athletes, and influencers that are seemingly more personal than ever, it is natural that there would be a rise in unrealistic expectations with regard to physical appearances. Read on to learn more about Anorexia Nervosa. What is it? Anorexia is a diagnosis that is characterised by the lack or loss of appetite for…

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You may have heard about urinary tract infections (UTI) before, a condition that is more common in females than males due to a reason, which we are just about to share. In fact, it is said that at least 40% of all women will experience an episode of UTI in their lives, while only about 12% of men will.  So what is a Urinary Tract Infection? An infection that occurs in any part of the urinary system is known as urinary tract infection. The urinary system includes four major components, namely the kidneys, ureters, bladder and a urethra. The purpose…

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Mention the word “asthma” and most people will be able to tell you what it is: shortness of breath, usually accompanied by wheezing, or noisy breathing. This is not a surprise, considering the high prevalence of the disease. In Singapore alone, asthma affects 5% of adults, and 20% of children. If properly managed, most asthmatics do continue to enjoy a good quality of life. However, if left untreated, there can be permanent damage done on the lungs, and might even prove fatal. So can you say you truly know what asthma is? And if you are suffering from it, are…

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