Search Results: chronic pain (227)

Hepatitis—a condition causing liver inflammation—has become an alarming public health issue in Asia. With numerous causes ranging from infections to toxins, it’s a disease that does not spare even the youngest members of society. In this context, understanding the various aspects of hepatitis in children is crucial for effective prevention and treatment.

Addison’s disease, also referred to as primary adrenal insufficiency, is a relatively rare condition where the adrenal glands fail to produce adequate amounts of steroid hormones. The disease can have profound implications, but patients can lead a normal life with timely diagnosis and proper management. Medical Channel Asia invites Dr Ben Ng, Consultant Endocrinologist at Arden Endocrinology Specialist Clinic Mount Elizabeth Novena, to provide key insights to this condition.

Mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder, are generally underreported due to the stigma behind mental health conditions. This leads to delayed access to treatment options and greater awareness is needed. Medical Channel Asia invites Dr Tay Kai Hong, Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Private Space Medical to explain this condition in greater detail.

Laughter, often considered the best medicine, has long been associated with happiness and well-being. But is there any scientific basis for the claim that laughter offers genuine medical benefits?  In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating ways in which laughter can contribute to our overall health.