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Tragic Loss: YouTube Bodybuilding Star Jo Lindner Dies of Aneurysm at 30

In a shocking turn of events, popular YouTube bodybuilding star and fitness influencer, Jo Lindner, known to his fans as Joesthetics, has died unexpectedly from an aneurysm in Thailand. 

At the time of his death, he was 30 years old.

The Devastating News

The heartrending news was confirmed by his girlfriend, Nicha, on Saturday, 1 July. In an emotional tribute posted on Instagram, she recalled Lindner as a sweet, kind, and hardworking individual. He was a firm believer in everyone’s potential to better themselves, she added.


With an impressive Instagram following of 8.4 million and almost 500 million views on his YouTube videos, Lindner managed to inspire a vast audience with his fitness journey. Before his untimely death, Lindner had complained of pain in his neck, according to Nicha. This discomfort later turned out to be a symptom of an aneurysm, a medical condition characterised by abnormal bulging in a blood vessel wall.

The Impact of Steroids

In the aftermath of Lindner’s death, Nicha refuted speculations about the cause of his demise. She affirmed that he had died from an aneurysm, not an overdose. She asserted that if Lindner had been bold enough to admit to steroid use, there was no reason to question his honesty.

A Rare Genetic Condition

In a recent interview, Lindner opened up about being diagnosed with rippling muscle disease. This rare genetic disorder, marked by increased muscle irritability, is essentially a chronic form of muscle cramping. 

Rippling muscle disease (RMD) is a rare genetic disorder causing abnormal muscle movement and pain. Symptoms include visible ripples moving across muscles and increased muscle irritability. It results from mutations in the CAV3 gene. While there is no specific treatment, symptom management is typically the primary focus. Although unrelated to steroid or TRT use, the physical strain of intensive bodybuilding can potentially worsen RMD symptoms, highlighting the need for careful health monitoring.

Last Social Media Post

Lindner’s final social media post hinted at his health struggles. He detailed his decision to go back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) after a year off of intensive bodybuilding, warning followers that it could have long-term effects on life and is a big commitment.

Autopsy Reports Awaited

In light of the tragic event, fellow bodybuilder Noel Deyzel confirmed the news of Lindner’s death on his Instagram Stories. He stated they are still waiting for the autopsy reports to arrive.

The Potential Dangers of TRT and Steroid Use

Steroids and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are often used in bodybuilding. It carries significant health risks, including high blood pressure, worsened heart conditions, and thickened blood, which can increase the risk of blood clots. While it remains unproven whether these substances directly cause aneurysms, they certainly contribute to the conditions that increase the risk, such as hypertension. It is unclear if Lindner’s aneurysm was directly linked to steroid or TRT use. However, the potential health implications of these substances reinforce the importance of regular health monitoring.


The untimely death of Jo Lindner is indeed a tragic loss for the fitness community. This unfortunate event serves as a reminder of the vital importance of regularly monitoring one’s health, especially for individuals engaged in intensive physical activities and performance-enhancing substances.


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