Search Results: heart disease (382)

A considerable number of young individuals in England, approximately 170,000 aged 16 to 24, have high blood pressure without their knowledge, experts warn. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reports that around five in 100 young men and one in 100 young women are affected. Although hypertension may not cause initial symptoms, it strains the heart and blood vessels, leading to half of the heart attacks and strokes in the UK.

Hong Kong is experiencing an alarming increase in obesity as a result of its residents’ unhealthy diet, a new health survey has revealed. The Report of Population Health Survey (PHS) 2020-22 Part II, conducted by the Department of Health, revealed that three in 10 Hong Kong residents are obese and more than 80 percent have a high salt intake. The survey, which is the third territory-wide health survey, covered 16,000 non-hospitalised residents over the age of 15 from November 2020 to February 2022.