Search Results: type 2 diabetes (243)

Artificial sweeteners, also known as non-nutritive sweeteners, have long been a point of contention in the medical community. As they continue to replace sugar in various food items, their impact on health has been rigorously studied, giving us a more nuanced understanding of their benefits and potential risks.

In recent years, health screening in Singapore has become increasingly important as more people recognise the value of early detection and preventive care. With a wide range of health screening options, Singapore has established itself as a leader in promoting public health and wellness.

In the digital age, trends can quickly go viral, and this has been especially true for health and wellness fads. One such trend is the use of Berberine supplements, hailed as ‘nature’s Ozempic’ by TikTok creators, now becoming a dietary sensation across Asia. 

Sleep plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. But have you ever wondered why some people are early birds, while others are night owls? This phenomenon is linked to our chronotypes, which determine our natural sleep-wake patterns. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of chronotypes across Asian populations and the factors that influence these patterns.

Singapore is embarking on a major initiative aimed at fostering healthier eating habits from an early age. In a push to reshape the dietary landscape, a new set of guidelines has been unveiled, intended to ensure that school meals are not only nutritious but also appropriately portioned. 

Digital health enables patients to manage their health remotely, and healthcare providers to access and analyse patient data in real-time.