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Singapore Unveils Nutritional Guidelines for Younger Generation

singapore children nutritional

Singapore is embarking on a major initiative aimed at fostering healthier eating habits from an early age. In a push to reshape the dietary landscape, a new set of nutritional guidelines has been unveiled, intended to ensure that school meals are not only nutritious but also appropriately portioned. 

These guidelines, named the Singapore Standard 692 Guidelines for Nutrition and Food Services for Infants and Children (SS 692), were released on May 31st, signalling a robust commitment by the National Healthcare Group (NHG).

Building a Foundation: What the Guidelines Entail

The NHG, which led the creation of the guidelines, is dedicated to helping care centres, school canteen operators, and food service providers prepare meals that are not only safe but also nutritionally balanced. Specifically, these guidelines target the dietary needs of children under 12 years old. This is an age group in crucial stages of growth and development.

The guidelines are comprehensive and multifaceted. It touches on a wide range of areas from portion sizes to nutritional balance. Also, it has allergy management and safety and hygiene practices. This wide range serves a dual purpose: to foster healthier eating habits in children and to mitigate the risks of both under and overeating, problems that can often begin in early childhood and have long-term health implications.

Spreading the Influence: The Guidelines in Action

NHG plans to bring these guidelines to life by reaching out to more than 180 primary schools, 1,900 preschools, and 400 student care centres to adopt the new standard. This wide-scale implementation underscores the commitment to creating a healthier next generation by instilling good dietary habits from an early age.

Reinforcing the Approach: Additional Resources

Building on existing HPB requirements, the standard also offers a variety of resources to facilitate its practical implementation. These include templates, checklists, pictorial guides, and menu plans. For instance, a sample breakfast menu for primary school students proposes wholegrain bee hoon with broccoli and chicken, a side of fruits, and a glass of milk. This emphasis on whole grains and a balanced intake of protein, fruits, and dairy demonstrates a thoughtful approach to healthier meals.

A Comprehensive List of Potential Allergens

In addition to providing food suggestions, the new standard also covers a list of food items to which children may be allergic or sensitive. This is an essential addition as food allergies are not uncommon in children. Their effective management is crucial in maintaining a safe environment.

Tackling Obesity: The Underlying Health Issue

One of the significant health issues that this initiative aims to address is overeating. This has contributed to a rise in childhood obesity. The urgency of the situation is highlighted by the fact that the percentage of overweight mainstream school students has increased from 13 per cent in 2017 to 16 per cent in 2021.

Implications of Poor Nutrition and Obesity

Poor nutrition during childhood can lead to obesity. Additionally, it can heighten the risk of several chronic diseases in adulthood. These include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer. Therefore, the guidelines represent an essential step in both improving childhood health and reducing chronic diseases in the long term.

Role of Childcare Operators and Caterers

The guidelines go further to include recommendations for the conduct of food safety and hygiene audits for canteen operators and caterers. By adhering to these standards, food providers can ensure the food they prepare is safe for children to consume. In addition, they mitigate risks such as food poisoning.

The guidelines have already started generating interest among firms in the catering industry. The Singapore Manufacturing Federation is overseeing 150 food and beverage providers. They are encouraging its members to adopt the guidelines and thereby elevate industry standards.


Our children’s nutritional needs are evolving and consumers are becoming more health-conscious. Therefore, this initiative by Singapore is a commendable step towards creating a healthier younger generation. It is not just about changing the food on the plate; it’s about altering attitudes towards nutrition, prioritising safety, and acknowledging the importance of balanced diets from an early age. As these guidelines take root and spread, they have the potential to dramatically improve the health and well-being of Singapore’s children.

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