Reducing Myopia Progression

reduce myopia progression

Myopia is prevalent in many societies and causes a significant public health cost. Reducing myopia progression, especially the age of onset of myopia is of great concern. Especially since the earlier the onset, the more myopic the individual will become. People with myopia are also at increased risk of associated debilitating eye conditions.

There are many options for slowing progression of myopia. Some which have already been proposed and evaluated include:

  • Progressive addition of executive bifocal spectacle lenses
  • Peripheral defocusing lenses
  • Overnight orthokeratology
  • Pharmacological agents such as atropine eye drops, and multifocal soft contact lenses (MFSCLs)

This video shares a few tips and tricks in helping children reduce the progression of myopia from the comfort of your home.

Like other muscles, after extensive use, eye muscles may feel the strain. Practicing good eye habits from a young age helps with ‘stretching’ the eye muscles. This in turn relaxes those same muscles and helps reduce eye strain. Check out for more information on reducing myopia progression.



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