Renowned Indonesian Actress Prilly Latuconsina Furthers Weight Loss To 12kg

Prilly Latuconsina Furthers Weight Loss

Prilly Latuconsina, an Indonesian actress, recently announced her weight loss of 12 kg to reach 37 kg.

This caught the public’s attention and raised questions about the safety of the weight loss condition. Clinical Nutrition Specialist Dr Johanes Chandrawinata, SpGK, explains this condition.

Prilly Latuconsina’s Weight Condition

Prilly revealed that her main goal in losing weight was to improve her appearance and self-confidence. She feels happier and healthier after following a clean-eating diet. At 37-38 kg, she feels comfortable and healthy, without symptoms of GERD, migraine, or menstrual pain.

The weight loss was due to over a year of dieting and exercise. Prilly Latuconsina applies the clean-eating diet concept, which focuses on consuming whole, fresh, unprocessed, and low-calorie foods.

According to Dr Johanes Chandrawinata, a weight of 37 kg for a height of 150 cm falls into the underweight category. Prilly’s BMI (body mass index) is only 16.4, far below the normal standard which ranges from 18.5 – 22.9. The minimum healthy weight for a 150cm height is 41.6kg.

Health Risks of Low Body Weight

People with too low a Body Mass Index (BMI) are at high risk of various health problems. These risks include higher infection rates, decreased immunity, osteoporosis, and reduced muscle mass. Other risks that can arise are anaemia and impaired post-surgery recovery. Even so, Dr Johanes emphasised that someone with a BMI slightly below normal can still live a healthy life as long as health is maintained and nutritional intake is good.

A BMI that is too low increases the risk of infection due to a weak immune system. This condition also causes the body’s resistance to decrease, making a person more susceptible to disease and taking longer to recover. Being underweight can also increase the risk of osteoporosis, which makes bones more fragile and prone to breaking. In addition, being underweight can reduce muscle mass, which affects physical health and quality of life. Nutritional deficiencies can also lead to anaemia, which impairs overall body function. People with too low a BMI may also experience difficulties in the post-surgery recovery process due to a weakened immune system.

Despite the high health risks, Dr Johanes emphasises that a person with a BMI slightly below normal can still live a healthy life. Health can still be maintained with a good and balanced nutritional intake. With regular nutritional intake, a person with a BMI slightly below normal can remain healthy and active. This shows that health can be optimised even if you are slightly below the normal BMI limit, as long as a healthy diet and lifestyle are adopted.

Nutritionist’s message for a balanced diet

Nutritionists suggest a few important things for those who want to lose weight on a clean eating diet. Firstly, it is important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Secondly, avoid excessive consumption of high fibre foods. Thirdly, make sure to consume enough protein to maintain muscle mass. Fourth, drink enough water to support metabolism and skin health. Fifth, exercise regularly to burn calories and boost metabolism. By following these suggestions, one can achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss. Prioritise health in every step of weight loss.

Prilly Latuconsina’s Clean Eating Diet

Prilly Latuconsina has managed to lose 12kg by following a clean eating diet. She eats healthy and natural foods such as vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins, and avoids foods that contain sugar and saturated fats. This diet involves high-fibre vegetables, antioxidant-rich fruits, and plant-based proteins to maintain muscle mass. Prilly also often has wholemeal bread for breakfast and subscribes to a low-carb, no-sugar, no-salt diet catering. Her success in losing weight shows her dedication to health.

She feels healthier and more comfortable at 37-38kg. Prilly also revealed that she has not experienced any symptoms of GERD, migraine, or menstrual pain since starting a healthy diet. Even so, Prilly being underweight is still a health risk.

The Importance of Consultation with a Nutritionist

To achieve healthy and sustainable results, it is important to follow a balanced and regular diet and keep exercising. A clean-eating diet needs to be adjusted to fulfil the body’s nutritional needs.

Consultation with a nutritionist is essential before starting a weight loss programme. A nutritionist can provide the right guidance according to each individual’s body condition. Healthy weight loss should be done safely and gradually. It is not recommended to sacrifice your health for your appearance.

Everyone can achieve a safe, ideal weight by following a nutritionist’s advice and living a healthy lifestyle. Remember that health comes first. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if needed.

Always Prioritise Health

Prilly Latuconsina has shown dedication to losing weight with a clean-eating diet. However, it is important always to prioritise health in any weight loss endeavour. Consulting a nutritionist and following expert advice can help you achieve your goals safely and effectively.

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