Browsing: cancer

A comprehensive study finds that processed and red meats are linked to a higher risk of colorectal, stomach, and pancreatic cancers. Experts urge a drastic overhaul of dietary habits, recommending a reduction or elimination of processed meats and an increase in plant-based foods. Discover the latest findings and what they mean for global public health policies.

At the forefront of these initiatives is the comprehensive review of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) charter. PhilHealth is known as the nation’s premier health insurance provider. Speaker Romualdez stressed the importance of aligning PhilHealth with the efficiency standards of health maintenance organisations. This aims for a system that expands coverage and evolves into a pillar of the Universal Health Care System. This comprehensive review involves meticulous examination and consultation with healthcare experts, stakeholders, and the public. This is done to ensure that the reformed PhilHealth charter reflects the needs and aspirations of all Filipinos.

Intermittent Fasting has been gaining in popularity. A recent study found that 10% of the American population participates in this diet. It is a caloric restriction revolving around a short window for eating and a comparatively larger window for fasting. In this article, we review the health benefits against the potential cardiovascular concerns.

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In response to alarming statistics indicating that six out of 10 Filipinos pass away without receiving medical attention, a proactive legislative initiative has emerged. Bicol Saro Party-list Representative Brian Raymund Yamsuan has taken a bold step by introducing House Bill (HB) No.1785, dubbed the proposed Free Annual Medical Check-up Act.

Lee highlighted that PhilHealth currently holds more than P466 billion in investible funds, alongside substantial government subsidies amounting to P100 billion. Despite this significant financial backing, Lee noted that PhilHealth’s contribution towards covering its members’ medical expenses remains disproportionately low. This disparity raises concerns about PhilHealth’s investment strategy’s efficacy and alignment with its mandate to provide accessible and affordable healthcare services to all Filipinos.

Dr Jaime Galvez Tan, former Health Secretary and convener of the HPA, stresses the importance of prioritising heart health through dietary choices. “One way of showing extra love and care for our hearts is to cut down our consumption of Ultra-Processed Products (UPPs) to save ourselves from cardiovascular diseases,” he emphasises. Dr Tan advocates replacing UPPs with healthier alternatives such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and home-cooked meals. These choices provide essential nutrients while reducing the intake of harmful additives.