Browsing: hepatitis b

Hepatitis, a severe liver disease, is devastating the lives of an estimated 354 million individuals. Under the banner “One Life, One Liver,” this year’s World Hepatitis Day emphasises the necessity of boosting viral hepatitis prevention, testing, and treatment efforts. World Hepatitis Day is remember today on 28 July 2023. Despite the presence of efficacious interventions to diagnose, treat and prevent chronic hepatitis B and C, a shocking 82% of hepatitis B patients and 75% of hepatitis C patients remain undiagnosed. With only 5% and 10% receiving treatment respectively, this silent disease is inflicting serious harm on millions of lives.

Living with the hepatitis B virus? Ensure the right care with these must-knows. It is always recommended to go for a regular check-up and be educated about everything you need to know about hepatitis B, to catch potential health risks early.