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Infectious Disease

Hong Kong ends mask mandate

The government of Hong Kong announced that Hongkongers can finally remove their face masks when going out. The mask mandate that lasted nearly 1,000 days has been lifted. It ends the mask-wearing requirement indoors, outdoors, and on public transport. The mandate has been a global relic, and Hong Kong was one of the last places to enforce it, with violators facing hefty fines.

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Diabetes and Foot Health: How to Keep Your Feet Healthy

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. One of the complications of diabetes is the risk of foot problems. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves in the feet, leading to reduced sensation and increased risk of injuries. Poor blood flow to the feet can also cause wounds to heal slowly and increase the risk of infection. In severe cases, foot ulcers can develop and even lead to amputation.

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The Lurking Danger: Understanding the Prevalence of Hepatitis B in Asia

Why does Asia have the highest cases of Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause acute and chronic diseases. While it is a global health issue, it is a particularly serious concern in Asia, where the prevalence is the highest in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 292 million people worldwide are living with hepatitis B, and over two-thirds of them reside in the Asia-Pacific region.

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