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Abortions In Singapore: What You Must Know

The realm of safe abortions in Singapore is intricate yet more progressive compared to many Asian countries. 

We take a comprehensive look at the legal, social, and healthcare aspects surrounding safe abortions in the city-state.

Abortion in Singapore: A Progressive Legal Framework with Specific Conditions

In Singapore, the issue of abortion is handled with a combination of legal norms and clearly defined protocols, aiming to balance a woman’s autonomy with ethical and medical considerations. Governed by the Termination of Pregnancy Act in the Singapore Statutes, the country has established a legal framework that allows for a relatively wide range of reasons for undergoing an abortion, yet pairs this liberality with obligatory steps designed to ensure informed decision-making.

Who is Eligible for an Abortion in Singapore?

Singapore’s Termination of Pregnancy Act allows for the termination of pregnancies up to 24 weeks of gestation. The Act is quite comprehensive in outlining the situations where an abortion can be legally performed. For instance, the law permits abortion to save the life of the pregnant individual, or if continuation of the pregnancy poses a risk to their physical or mental well-being. 

Additionally, the law takes into account social and economic factors that might make it difficult to raise a child. This marks a departure from the more restrictive approaches observed in many other jurisdictions, which often limit the legal grounds for abortion to cases involving life-threatening conditions, rape, or severe fetal abnormalities.

Mandatory Counselling and Waiting Period for Abortions in Singapore

While the Act provides broad latitude for the termination of pregnancies, it also imposes certain conditions aimed at ensuring that the decision is made thoughtfully and responsibly. One such condition is the requirement for mandatory counselling for all pregnant individuals considering an abortion. This counselling session, conducted by a certified medical professional, aims to provide the individual with comprehensive information about the procedure, its risks, and alternative options such as adoption.

Following the counselling, there is also a legislated waiting period before the abortion can be carried out. The waiting period serves as a built-in time for reflection, designed to ensure that the individual has adequate time to consider all aspects of their decision before proceeding.

Societal Views: Tackling Stigma and Misconceptions

While Singapore has relatively progressive abortion laws, allowing terminations under broad conditions, the societal attitudes toward the procedure often do not align with this legal openness. Stigma and misconceptions can serve as significant deterrents, preventing individuals from openly seeking safe and lawful abortion services.

The stigma associated with abortion is not unique to Singapore, but is part of a global trend. For instance, in 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, effectively dismantling nearly a half-century of constitutional protections for abortion rights. The overturning of Roe v. Wade not only makes abortion unavailable in large parts of the United States. It also serves as a reminder that the struggle for reproductive rights is a dynamic and often regressive battle. 

The overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States serves as a chilling example of how societal perspectives can reshape legal landscapes, often in ways that increase shame and guilt around reproductive choices. This stigma, reinforced by such monumental legal decisions, adds emotional and psychological burdens to the already complex and difficult choices that women must make.

Insights into Abortion-Related Stigma

A study published in the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care elaborates how women across cultures experience guilt, shame, and social condemnation when considering or undergoing an abortion.

Furthermore, misinformation about abortion can exacerbate this stigma. A report by the World Health Organization highlights how misconceptions about the safety of abortion procedures often deter women from seeking medical advice, potentially leading them to dangerous alternatives

The gap between the relatively progressive legal environment and more conservative societal views in Singapore thus poses a significant challenge for women’s reproductive healthcare, discouraging them from pursuing safe and legal medical services.

Medical Channel Asia interview Ms Joanne Goh, Principal Therapist at Private Space Medical with 22 years of experience working in KK Hospital. She stated that “social attitudes towards abortion stem from one’s culture, values, religion and even past life experiences eg child bearing.”

She added that “most women who consider abortion may perceive some forms of abortion stigma, which brings about complex emotions. There are many facets to this. For example, she may feel judged by others if she decides for abortion due to social reasons such as financial difficulties or career advancement. She may feel judged for not meeting societal expectations, especially if she is in her prime age, married and her parents are expecting grandchildren. Or, consider a woman, who have had abortion secretly and feels a sense of guilt and shame due to her own internalised anti-abortion attitudes. This can lead to internal conflicts within one self and cause significant psychological distress.”

The Importance of Comprehensive Sexual Education and Safe Abortion Awareness

The availability of comprehensive sexual education and accurate information about safe abortion procedures is essential for empowering women to make informed choices about their reproductive health. 

Multiple studies have shown that comprehensive sexual education can effectively reduce rates of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In addition, awareness of safe abortion methods is crucial. This is because lack of access to or awareness of these procedures can lead to dangerous and sometimes fatal outcomes.

Moreover, ongoing public education campaigns are necessary to bridge existing knowledge gaps and to dispel prevalent myths and misconceptions surrounding sexual health and abortion. Misinformation on these topics can lead to higher rates of unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions, thereby increasing the risks of maternal mortality and morbidity.

Therefore, robust and ongoing educational initiatives are vital to empowering women with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions regarding their reproductive health.

Goh added, “Having comprehensive and robust sex education is important and it is important to recognise the influence of religion and morality on the woman’s experience of considering termination of a pregnancy. Hence, such education has to be implemented in a respectful and sensitive manner and also be accessible by all women regardless of age, race or religion. Effective sex education may help women make more informed decisions in controlling their current and future fertility.”

Moving Ahead: Obtaining an Abortion in Singapore

A pivotal step in the process is mandatory pre-abortion counselling. This applies to all patients, irrespective of their nationality or educational background. During the initial consultation, your healthcare provider—be it a general practitioner or a gynaecologist—will direct you toward this counselling service.

Special rules apply to specific demographics. Pregnant individuals under 16 must receive counselling at the Health Promotion Board Counselling Centre, with the exception of rape victims. Moreover, mentally disabled individuals require a psychiatric certification confirming that the continuation of the pregnancy could be detrimental to the pregnant individual’s health.

The Right to a Second Opinion

Importantly, if your doctor declines to perform the procedure due to personal beliefs, the law supports your right to seek a second opinion.

The Waiting Period

After completing the mandatory counselling, there’s a required waiting period of 48 hours before you can proceed with the abortion.

Records and Post-Procedure Care

Patients are obliged to sign a declaration form, indicating their marital status, educational level, and number of living children. The Ministry of Health keeps a confidential register that includes essential details like the patient’s name, the date of the procedure, and the method used for termination.

Following the abortion, post-procedure counselling is generally advised, and a follow-up appointment may be required a week later to check for any complications. To minimise the risk of infection, some doctors recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse for up to two weeks post-procedure.

Important Resources for Someone Seeking an Abortion in Singapore

For those considering or planning an abortion in Singapore, having access to trustworthy resources and support can make a significant difference in your experience and well-being. Here are some key resources to guide you through the process:

1. Government and Healthcare Providers

Ministry of Health, Singapore: For official guidelines, FAQs, and other information.

2. Support Organisations and Helplines

Aware Singapore: Offers emotional support, legal advice, and information on reproductive health.

Babes Pregnancy Crisis Support: Support for teenagers facing unplanned pregnancies.

3. Legal Aid

Legal Aid Bureau: If you face legal issues or require legal advice.

Navigating the complexities of an abortion can be emotionally and physically challenging, but you’re not alone. Utilise these resources to make informed decisions and seek the support you need.

Understanding the complexities of safe abortions in Singapore not only helps women, but also healthcare providers and policymakers. Knowledge is the first step towards breaking down barriers and facilitating safer and more accessible services for all.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional for more personalised guidance and various treatment options that may be available to you. 


  1. Termination of Pregnancy Act 1974 – Singapore Statutes Online. (2023, May 1). Termination of Pregnancy Act 1974 – Singapore Statutes Online.
  2. Kumar, Hessini , & M.H. Mitchell. (2009, August). Conceptualising abortion stigma. Culture, Health & Sexuality, Article
  3. Whyte, C. (2022, July). Roe v Wade is overturned. New Scientist, 255(3393), 7.
  4. WHO Publications. (1981). International Journal of Epidemiology, 10(3), 210–210.
  5. Cross, J. (2006, April). MEDLINE, PubMed, PubMed Central, and the NLM. Editors’ Bulletin, 2(1), 1–5.
  6. THELANCET. LONDON: SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1869. (1869, April). The Lancet, 93(2381), 535–538.
  7. Abortion. (n.d.). AWARE.

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