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Ayurveda: How To Practice It In Your Daily Life?

For those familiar with the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda, the first thought that comes to mind when you think of this term is herbs and therapies. But Ayurveda is much more than that. It is a way of life that imbibes the goodness in nature while eliminating toxins from your body. 

Ayurveda defines our life based on what we eat, the environment we live in, and how we live. It provides the framework based on which we can modify our lifestyle. Ayurveda emphasises both mental and physical health to make our life more healthy and satisfying. 

Tips to practice Ayurveda in daily life

As mentioned earlier, Ayurveda is a way of life. Hence incorporating certain Ayurvedic practices in your day-to-day life can bring about holistic changes. 

Here are a few simple and easy to follow Ayurvedic principles that can make your life healthy and fruitful:

Tip #1 – Wake up early in the morning

Ayurveda stipulates that you should wake up between 4:30 and 5 in the morning. This is the time when the environment is filled with freshness. Waking up at this time helps you to grasp this freshness, thereby making your day positive and fresh. 

Tip #2 – Exercise moderation while eating

Ayurveda emphasises on consuming fresh, organic, and seasonal fruits and vegetables and staying away from junk food. But complete elimination of junk food is practically impossible in today’s world. Thus, moderation should be the “mantra.” Once in a while, you can have junk food but in moderation. As much as possible, try to stick to fresh and organic produce as it helps to get rid of toxins from your body. Also, try to have the last meal of the day by sunset. 

Tip #3 – Hydrate yourself

Drinking water is the best way to flush out toxins from your body and ensure good function of the digestive system. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day and instead of gulping down ice-cold water, you should drink boiled and cooled water. 

Tip #4 – Get adequate sleep

Sleep helps to detoxify and rejuvenate the body. When we sleep, our immune system is automatically boosted, and vibrant energy is circulated all over the body. You should try to get at least 7-8 hours of sound sleep every day. For this, take a bath in lukewarm water and use an essential oil like lavender. Alternatively, you can also use an incense stick to infuse it’s aroma throughout the room. This soothes your senses and helps you drift off to sleep. 

Tip #5 – Get adequate exercise

Walking is the best form of exercise that people of all age groups can follow. The best time to walk is early in the morning when your mind is at peace. All your sensory organs get nourished if you take an early morning walk. 

If it is not possible, you can also go for an evening walk. Walking provides physical, mental, and emotional peace and strength without harming your body. Besides walking, you can also try out swimming, cycling, or yoga. 

Tip #6 – Prepare a schedule

Prepare a schedule for the day and stick to it. Have a fixed time for food, exercise, sleep, and work. This helps to plan the day well and provides you with some “me time.” This ultimately brings physical, mental, and emotional peace. 

Tip #7 – Eliminate toxins on time

Whenever you feel like using the washroom, use it without delay. This is particularly so in the morning when you need to flush out all the toxins from your body. Holding back urine and stool causes slow poisoning and will do more harm to your body and can cause chronic problems later on in life. 

The best way to eliminate toxins is to drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon first thing in the morning. This mixture has antibacterial properties and helps flush out toxins. 

Tip #8 – Massage your body

Massaging your body with ayurvedic oil helps to moisturise and detoxify the skin. This should be done especially during winter when your skin is likely to be dry. 

Tip #9 – Practice meditation

Meditation helps disconnect yourself from the outside world. It lets you concentrate on your inner self and that eventually provides peace and calm. Close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes every day. The best time to meditate is early in the morning. 

Tips #10 – Bond with nature

Whenever you get time, step out and be with nature. Indulge in gardening or take a walk in the garden. Connecting yourself with nature will take all worries out of your mind and provide you with peace and calm. 

Final thoughts

Ayurveda is a way of life. Practicing it in your daily life is the best way to refresh and rejuvenate yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It brings about wellness and complete transformation to all aspects of your life.

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