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Gadopiclenol (Elucirem™) for Contrast-Enhanced MRI

The US FDA granted regulatory approval to Gadopiclenol (Elucirem™), a new macrocyclic GBCA for use in adults and children aged 2 years and older, for contrast-enhanced MRI.

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Palawan Unites to Eliminate Malaria: A Roadmap for a Malaria-Free Future

As Palawan charts its course towards a malaria-free future, the unity and commitment displayed at the 14th Provincial Malaria Congress serve as a beacon of hope. With healthcare providers, officials, and the community working hand in hand, Palawan is poised to eliminate the disease, contributing significantly to the nationwide goal of a Philippines entirely free from this infectious disease. The efforts in Palawan, underscored by resilience and dedication, illuminate the path forward and exemplify the collective strength required to overcome the final challenges in this fight. The province’s journey serves as an inspiration for regions worldwide grappling with the persistent threat of mosquito-borne diseases.

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