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Gnathostomiasis: The Hidden Parasitic Threat

Gnathostomiasis seafood fish prawn Thailand

Gnathostomiasis, a parasitic infection caused by the larvae of the Gnathostoma genus, is a growing health concern in Asia. 

Although relatively unknown compared to more infamous parasites, gnathostomiasis poses a significant risk to those living in or travelling to affected regions. This article aims to shed light on the prevalence, transmission, symptoms, and prevention of gnathostomiasis in Asia.

Prevalence: Tracking the Parasite Across Asia

Gnathostomiasis is predominantly found in Southeast Asia, with Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia being the most affected countries. In Thailand, the infection is particularly prevalent in the northeastern provinces, where the consumption of raw or undercooked fish dishes is common. Even with limited data, studies suggest tens of thousands contract gnathostomiasis yearly in the region. In some areas, infection rates reach up to 14%.

Transmission: From Fish to Humans

Gnathostomiasis is a foodborne infection, with humans acquiring the parasite by consuming raw or undercooked freshwater fish, eels, frogs, or poultry containing the larvae. Once ingested, the larvae penetrate the stomach wall, migrate through the body, and cause a range of symptoms. In some cases, the larvae can survive in the human body for several years.

Symptoms: The Many Faces of Gnathostomiasis

Gnathostomiasis presents with a wide variety of symptoms, depending on the migration path of the larvae. Early symptoms often include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea, followed by the appearance of migratory skin swellings, which can be itchy and painful. These skin manifestations are a hallmark of gnathostomiasis and can persist for weeks or months.

In rare cases, the larvae can migrate to other organs such as the liver, lungs, and even the central nervous system, causing more severe symptoms like fever, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, and neurological complications, including paralysis, vision disturbances, and seizures.

Diagnosis and Treatment: Unmasking the Hidden Parasite

Diagnosing gnathostomiasis can be challenging, as its symptoms are often non-specific and can resemble other parasitic infections. Blood tests, skin biopsies, and imaging studies can help confirm the diagnosis. Doctors typically treat a confirmed infection with anti-parasitic drugs like albendazole or ivermectin. Usually, the results are favourable.

Prevention: Staying One Step Ahead of Gnathostomiasis

To prevent gnathostomiasis, avoid eating raw or undercooked fish, eels, frogs, or poultry. Be especially cautious in areas known for the parasite. Proper cooking or freezing of these foods can help kill the larvae and reduce the risk of infection. Public health campaigns aimed at raising awareness and promoting safe food practices are also essential in curbing the spread of gnathostomiasis.

Conclusion: Bringing Gnathostomiasis to Light

Although gnathostomiasis may not be as well-known as other parasitic infections, it remains a significant health concern in Asia. Greater awareness of the disease, its transmission, symptoms, and prevention measures is crucial for reducing the prevalence of this hidden parasitic threat. individuals living in or travelling to affected regions can protect themselves and contribute to the ongoing fight against gnathostomiasis. This can be done by understanding the risks and adopting safer food practices.

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