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New Research Linking E-cigarettes and Vaping to Respiratory Problems and COPD

vaping e-cigarettes
Further, research also highlighted concerning trends, including the emergence of respiratory and cardiovascular issues from e-cigarette use. A recently published cohort study from Hebei province, China, provides pivotal evidence linking chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and vaping. The study tracked over 10,000 healthy participants without prior respiratory conditions from 2015 to 2020. At the end of the study, the researchers found a 28% increase in the risk of respiratory symptoms. It also found a 8% increase in the risk of COPD in e-cigarette users. Additionally, dual users who use both e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes had a 41% and 18% increased risk in respiratory symptoms and COPD risks. These findings contribute to the growing body of evidence cautioning against the use of e-cigarettes and highlight the need for healthcare professionals and policymakers to reassess the role of vaping in smoking cessation strategies.

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