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Nine Clinical Research Coordinators Recognised With Distinguished Contributor Awards

Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs)

In a significant acknowledgement of the pivotal role Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs) play in the healthcare sector, nine outstanding individuals have been honoured with the Distinguished Contributor Award for CRCs.

This accolade, which celebrates their dedication and significant contributions to the research community in Singapore, was presented by the Singapore Clinical Research Institute (SCRI). Now in its fourth year since its inauguration in 2019, the award saw 34 commendable nominations from public healthcare institutions. Among the recipients, Geraldine Lim was awarded the distinction award, and three others were awarded the merit award. The other recipients received finalist awards.


Geraldine Lim (Distinction Award)
Clinical Trials and Research Unit
Changi General Hospital (CGH)

Geraldine Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs)

Since joining Changi General Hospital’s (CGH) Clinical Trials and Research Unit (CTRU) under the Research Office in 2012, Geraldine Lim has been instrumental in leading a team of 25 staff to support over 100 research studies across various domains, including drug efficacy, medical devices, and observational studies that enhance patient care. 

As the manager, she has played a pivotal role in a significant research study on primary aldosteronism, a curable form of hypertension, led by Clinical Assistant Professor Troy Puar since 2016. Her involvement ranged from conceptualising the study framework to addressing operational challenges, leading to the launch of clinical tests in February 2023 at the Shimadzu-CGH Clinomics Centre.

Chew Ying Jia (Merit Award)
Senior Clinical Research Coordinator
Department of Surgery
National University Hospital (NUH)

Chew Ying Jia Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs)

Chew Ying Jia, a dedicated Senior Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) at the National University Hospital (NUH), celebrates her eighth year in clinical research with a focus on advancing women’s health, particularly in the early screening for breast cancer—the most common cancer among women in Asia, with rates doubling every generation. 

In 2021, she played a pivotal role in launching Singapore’s first risk-based breast cancer screening research programme, Breast Screening Tailored for Her (BREATHE), at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. This innovative programme seeks to refine screening guidelines by assessing both genetic and lifestyle risk factors to determine the most appropriate age for women to begin breast cancer screening.

Germaine Liew (Merit Award)
Senior Clinical Research Coordinator
Children’s Blood and Cancer Centre
Haematology / Oncology Service
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH)

Germaine Liew Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs)

For the past 14 years, Germaine has been a cornerstone in the fight against childhood cancers. She led clinical research studies that span a range of types, from leukaemia to brain tumours. Her solid, dependable, and consistent approach has made a significant impact in the realm of pediatric oncology. Additionally, she harbours the hope that ongoing medical advancements will shift the daunting perception that cancer in young patients is often incurable.

One of Germaine’s notable contributions has been her leadership in multi-site chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy trials. This revolutionary treatment has emerged as a beacon of hope, particularly for blood cancers. It has demonstrated high efficacy rates in cases where traditional therapies have fallen short.

Lily Wong (Merit Award)
Nurse Manager
Department of Medicine
National University Hospital (NUH)Lily Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs)

Lily is a nurse by profession. Since 2004, she has been a pivotal figure in clinical research. This is particularly felt within the Division of Neurology at the Department of Medicine at NUH. Her expertise has led to the establishment of a solid research protocol and framework, streamlining the workflow of clinical trials focused on enhancing care for acute stroke patients. Lily’s approach to clinical trials is marked by her ability to ensure rapid participant recruitment while maintaining a compassionate understanding of the patients and their families, always ready to address their concerns and questions. Her exceptional management skills are critical for the smooth operation of research studies, contributing significantly to their success. 

Beyond her organisational talents, Lily is committed to mentoring the next generation of Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs) and Research Assistants. She offers her guidance and support not just within her department but across other units as well.

All photos courtesy of Consortium for Clinical Research and Innovation, Singapore (CRIS)

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