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Pioneering Whole-Eye and Partial Face Transplant Offers New Hope

In a groundbreaking medical feat, surgeons at NYU Langone Health in New York have successfully performed the world’s first whole-eye and partial face transplant. 

This revolutionary procedure marks a significant milestone in transplant medicine.

Aaron James, a 46-year-old military veteran, underwent this extensive 21-hour surgery following a tragic work accident. The operation involved transplanting an entire left eye and parts of the face from a single donor. 

While Aaron cannot currently see from his transplanted eye, there is optimism that vision might be restored over time. This surgery not only reconstructs physical appearance but also offers psychological and emotional healing. 

“NYU Langone Health has set a new benchmark in the field of transplant medicine with the world’s first whole-eye and partial face transplant,” said Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriguez, who led the surgical team. “This is not just a step forward in medical science but a leap into previously uncharted territory of transplantation and reconstruction,” he added, highlighting the significance of this medical milestone.

Medical Marvel: A Leap in Transplant Medicine

The whole-eye and partial face transplant represents an unprecedented achievement in medical science. 

The intricate procedure, which involved connecting the donor’s eye and facial tissues to Aaron’s nerves and blood vessels. It highlights the remarkable advancements in surgical techniques and understanding of the human body. It opens a new realm of possibilities for treating severe facial injuries and deformities.

The intricate surgery, lasting about 21 hours, involved a team of over 140 surgeons and healthcare professionals. The transplant included the entire left eye and parts of the face from a single donor. Aaron James, who suffered extensive injuries from a high-voltage electrical accident, experienced a transformation that could redefine the future of facial and ocular reconstructive surgeries.

Advancements and Challenges in Eye Transplantation

The success of this procedure paves the way for further research into eye transplantation. Challenges remain, especially in establishing a connection between the transplanted eye and the brain to restore vision. 

The intricacies of the surgery were immense, as Dr. Rodriguez elaborated: “Whole-eye transplants have been a long-standing challenge in medical science due to the complexities of the optic nerve and immune rejection risks. However, by combining the donor eye with donor bone marrow-derived adult stem cells, we embarked on a pioneering approach, enhancing the prospects for nerve regeneration.”

The integration of advanced technologies and innovative surgical methods holds promise for future breakthroughs in this field.

Implications for Future Transplants

Discussing the post-operative condition of the transplant, Dr. Bruce Gelb, a transplant surgeon at NYU Langone, stated, “The progress we’ve seen with Aaron’s transplanted eye is exceptional. We have observed a viable cornea and excellent blood flow to the retina, surpassing our initial expectations.” Dr. Gelb expressed optimism about the future learnings from this case, adding, “This opens up new avenues for research and potential sight restoration techniques.”

Reflecting on the personal impact of the surgery, Aaron James shared, “I’m grateful beyond words for the donor and his family, who have given me a second chance at life during their own time of great difficulty.” He also expressed immense gratitude towards Dr. Rodriguez and his team. He emphasised how their expertise and support were crucial in navigating this challenging journey.

The success of this whole-eye and partial face transplant is a testament to the potential of modern surgical techniques. It highlights the importance of continued research and innovation in the field, offering hope and new possibilities for patients worldwide.


  1. NYU Langone Health Performs World’s First Whole-Eye & Partial-Face Transplant. (2023, November 9). NYU Langone News.

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