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Refractive Laser Surgery Now ~3x Faster With Launch Of Zeiss’ New SMILE Surgery Device

Eagle Eye Center Zeiss Smile Surgery Refractive Laser

The time it takes to perform laser surgery on an eye can now be reduced to only ⅓ of the previous procedure. Specialists from Eagle Eye Centre shared this information on 8 July 2023. They also provided an overview of refractive surgery options. Over 50 guests attentively listened to their presentation.

The information was introduced to over 50 invited guests.

Doctors can now complete laser surgeries in just under 10 seconds per eye, previously taking 25-30 seconds. This drastically reduces the amount of time a patient needs to spend under the laser during the procedure. 

“This shortened time reduces discomfort that a patient needs to endure while undergoing laser refractive surgery,” said Dr Julian Theng, founder of Eagle Eye Centre. He shared this in an exclusive interview with Medical Channel Asia

Dr Julian Theng, Founder of Eagle Eye Center
Dr Julian Theng, Founder of Eagle Eye Center

He went on to explain that the time efficiency, along with a host of other benefits, was made possible by the latest  VisuMax 800 Zeiss SMILE device, which is now available at Eagle Eye Center. 

Consultant Opthalmologist Dr Val Phua also shared with guests at the event about the evolution of refractive surgeries. He also explained the differences and benefits between the current options. They include Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICLs) and laser surgery techniques. 

Consultant Opthalmologist Dr Val Phua talk about refractive surgeries and laser options
Consultant Opthalmologist Dr Val Phua

Various guests who attended the event shared about their liberating experiences of undergoing refractive surgery in order to ditch their reliance on glasses, some after decades of dependance on it. 

Malaysian actress and singer Bonnie Loo had the procedure done recently. At the event she shared, “The procedure opened up so many conveniences for me. Previously, I was bound to my glasses and contact lenses but today I’m free of them. And that is why I would highly recommend this to anyone else.” 

“This is clearly one of the most innovative products we have come up with for vision correction,” said Mr Ven Raman, Managing Director of Carl Zeiss. He explained to Medical Channel Asia that the procedure takes less time to complete. He also shared the cyclotorsion technology that improved outcomes and allowed patients to walk away with 6/6 vision. 

Mediacorp actress Bonnie Loo
Mediacorp actress Bonnie Loo

To find out more about the SMILE procedure, patients can visit Eagle Eye Centre’s website to book an appointment. 

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