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Sen. Christopher “Bong” Go’s Advocacy for Senior Citizens in the Philippines

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Sen. Christopher “Bong” Go recently addressed the 2nd National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC)-National Capital Region Stakeholders’ Summit in a resolute and heartfelt commitment to enhance the quality of life for the elderly and foster the creation of senior citizen-friendly communities.

His impassioned dedication to the welfare of the elderly is deeply rooted in personal experiences. It stems from a profound connection to his grandmother. Sen. Go’s advocacy signifies a larger movement toward unity, progress, and an unwavering respect for the elderly.

Personal Connection

Sen. Bong Go’s advocacy is not solely a product of political obligations. Rather, it originates from poignant childhood memories spent with his grandmother. Reflecting on these moments, he shared the sentiment of closeness. He emphasised how his grandmother used to bring him from Davao to Manila. This personal connection underscores the senator’s genuine understanding of the formative influence that the elderly hold in shaping family bonds and inspiring a commitment to their well-being.

Recognition of Seniors’ Role

Senator Bong Go has brought to the forefront the essential role that senior citizens play. In highlighting the significance of treasuring moments spent with elderly family members, he has emphasised their priceless contributions to society. Senator Go expressed his earnest wish to “take care of the lives of our grandparents”. He underscored the pressing need for a united endeavour to not only recognize but also respect and extend comprehensive support to the elderly. In doing so, he champions a collective commitment to acknowledging, cherishing, and ensuring the well-being of our senior community members.

Open Communication and Legislation

Sen. Bong Go emphasized the importance of fostering open communication channels between senior citizens and the government. The creation of Republic Act (RA) 11350, establishing the NCSC, during the administration of former president Rodrigo Duterte, guarantees the complete enforcement of legislation, policies, and initiatives for senior citizens, evaluating and conducting associated research, and proposing policy changes to both Congress and the President. Furthermore, Sen. Go’s co-authorship of RA 11916, the Social Pension for Indigent Seniors Act,  an amendment to the original “Senior Citizens Act” (RA 7432), exemplifies legislative steps taken to increase the social pension for indigent senior citizens, ensuring a more comfortable and dignified life.

Supporting the Elderly

Sen. Bong Go’s commitment extends beyond legislative initiatives. He actively co-authored and co-sponsored Senate Bill (SB) 2028, a measure principally sponsored by Sen. Ma. Imelda Josefa “Imee” Marcos. This bill aims to provide additional support to individuals reaching the ages of 80 and 90, amending the Centenarian Act of 2016 to offer support even to those approaching the milestone of a century. Sen. Go’s multifaceted approach to supporting the elderly emphasises not only their financial needs but also their cultural and social contributions.

Cultural Significance

Sen. Bong Go underscored the cultural significance of caring for the elderly. He recognised the importance of providing financial support while seniors can still benefit from and enjoy it. This holistic approach acknowledges the elderly as pillars of wisdom and cultural heritage. Additionally, it emphasises the senator’s commitment to celebrating the contributions of senior citizens to the rich tapestry of Filipino society.


Sen. Christopher “Bong” Go’s unwavering dedication to the welfare of senior citizens goes beyond legislative initiatives. It is a comprehensive and heartfelt commitment to fostering a society that values and supports its elderly population. Through his advocacy, Sen. Go aims to enhance the quality of life for seniors, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping Filipino society and promoting a collective sense of unity and progress.


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