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Senator Imee Marcos Advocates for Strengthening Medical Marijuana Legislation in the Philippines

medical marijuana philippines

In a bid to enhance the efficacy of proposed legislation legalising the medical use of marijuana, Senator Imee Marcos calls for a more stringent approach. 

She cited the failures of enforcement in various countries. At the Kapihan sa Senado forum, Marcos expressed her reservations regarding Senate Bill No. 2573 pertaining to medical marijuana legislation, emphasising the need to fortify the bill’s provisions.

Strengthening the Measure

Marcos voiced her support for the intent behind Senate Bill No. 2573, contained in Committee Report No. 210. H+owever, she opted not to sign the committee report endorsing the measure. She stressed the necessity of augmenting the bill’s authority, advocating for stricter regulations to be implemented.

Additionally, concerns regarding marijuana’s classification as a potential gateway drug to more dangerous substances were highlighted by Marcos. She drew from her personal experience as a glaucoma patient. Subsequently, she emphasised the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the compassionate use of marijuana.

Learning from Global Experiences

Drawing parallels with experiences in the United States and Thailand, Marcos underscored the challenges of implementing similar proposals. She emphasised the need for meticulous attention to detail in crafting legislation to ensure robust enforcement mechanisms.

Clarifying Enforcement Procedures

Marcos articulated the importance of clarifying key enforcement aspects, including delineating responsibilities for management, punishment, and oversight. Addressing ambiguities surrounding the determination of medical necessity and enforcement protocols is crucial. This is to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed legislation.

Upholding Public Health

Senate Bill No. 2573 underscores the state’s commitment to protecting and promoting public health. However, it also acknowledges the therapeutic benefits of cannabis for debilitating medical conditions. The bill seeks to legalise and regulate the medical use of cannabis. It would emphasise its acquisition, possession, transportation, and administration solely for medical and research purposes.

Moving Forward

As discussions surrounding the legalisation of medical marijuana continue, Senator Marcos’s call for a more robust legislative framework underscores the importance of comprehensive and well-defined regulations. The proposed legislation aims to provide relief to qualified patients while safeguarding against misuse and abuse. However, careful consideration of enforcement mechanisms and public health imperatives will be enforced.

Advocating for Access and Research

In addition to advocating for stricter regulations, Marcos emphasises the importance of ensuring access to medical marijuana for patients in need. Furthermore, she highlights the need for continued research into the therapeutic potential of cannabis, both in terms of its efficacy and safety profile.

Collaboration and Consultation

Marcos underscores the importance of collaborative efforts and consultation with medical professionals, researchers, and stakeholders in refining the legislation. By soliciting input from diverse perspectives, policymakers can develop a more nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding medical marijuana use and regulation.

Ensuring Equity and Social Responsibility

In crafting legislation, Marcos emphasises the need to prioritise equity and social responsibility, particularly concerning access to medical marijuana among marginalised communities. By addressing disparities in healthcare access and fostering inclusivity, policymakers can ensure that the benefits of medical marijuana are accessible to all who stand to benefit.

In conclusion, Senator Imee Marcos’s advocacy for strengthening the bill seeking to legalise medical marijuana reflects a commitment to ensuring the responsible and effective implementation of cannabis-based therapies. As legislative efforts evolve, the imperative remains to balance compassion for needy patients and safeguarding public health and safety. Policymakers can pave the way for a more compassionate and practical approach to medical marijuana regulation.

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