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Singapore Healthtech Agency Synapxe Takes Over After Rebranding

Synpaxe Singapore

Singapore’s healthtech agency, Integrated Health Information Systems (IHIS), marked its 15th anniversary by unveiling a new name – Synapxe

This rebranding mirrors the agency’s growth in sculpting the future of healthtech in the region. Synapxe has committed to further harness the transformative force of innovative technologies like generative AI and cloud to enhance Healthier SG, the Ministry of Health’s key health initiative.

Synapxe’s Five Strategic Priorities

At the Singapore Expo, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung listed five strategic priorities that align with Synapxe’s mission and Singapore’s shift towards preventive care.

Priority One: Digital Repository for Medical Records

Firstly, Synapxe continues its mission to build a central digital repository for patients’ medical records via the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) system. This “one patient, one health record” solution is now used by over 21,000 healthcare professionals monthly.

Priority Two: Remote Medical Consultation

Secondly, Synapxe is also focusing on establishing a system for remote medical consultations. This comes as the emphasis on primary care grows. With the potential expansion of telehealth services, a robust governance system must be in place to ensure there’s no abuse.

Priority Three: National Medication Fulfilment System

Working with the national healthcare supply chain agency, Synapxe is developing the National Central Fill Pharmacy (NCFP). This system aims to centralise medication fulfilment off-site before delivery to patients.

Priority Four: Unified Billing System

With multiple billing systems across different healthcare institutions, Synapxe is pushing for a unified public sector billing system. Therefore, this move should streamline payment procedures and improve efficiency.

“We need to decide on and apply our policies on Chas (Community Health Assist Scheme) subsidies, MediSave, Pioneer and Merdeka generation packages for telehealth. There needs to be a robust system of governance, regulation and enforcement in case there is any form of abuse because of telehealth,” said Mr Ong.

Priority Five: Cyber and Data Security

Finally, Synapxe has prioritised strengthening cyber and data security. With a threefold increase in cybersecurity measures over the past five years, the agency recognises the constant evolution of this area and the need to stay ahead.

AI in Healthcare: Synapxe’s Futuristic Approach

Among the new tech possibilities, AI-powered healthcare innovations take centre stage. Consequently, with generative AI, new diagnostic techniques and preventive care are being ushered in, promising to revolutionise personal health management.

Synapxe’s Groundbreaking AI Initiatives

Synapxe is spearheading several AI-driven health initiatives, like the assisted chronic disease explainer (ACE-AI), the AIM.SG platform for medical imaging diagnostics, and the augmented video analytics for medication adherence (AV-MED) prototype. Additionally, these initiatives demonstrate Synapxe’s commitment to pioneering healthcare transformation in Asia, embodying the strategic priorities outlined by Minister Ong Ye Kung. Finally, Minister Ong suummarised, “The entire nervous and sensory nervous system of Singapore will be activated, and operate as one.”

Photo Credit: Synapxe

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