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Teleconsultation Launched For Rural Areas of Negros Oriental, Philippines


Recently, the town of La Libertad in Negros Oriental introduced its “TeleKonsulta”, an online medical consultation serving 21 barangays (districts).

The pilot test of TeleKonsulta will provide insights into the effectiveness of digital platforms for the local government unit (LGU) in delivering quicker medical services to Filipinos, which may lessen the need to travel far to the health centres in their town. The program will include a total of 21 barangays. These barangays were chosen based on their limited access to their nearest health centre.  

What is Teleconsultation

Teleconsultation, or e-cConsultation, is a facet of telemedicine that enables patients to engage in virtual, on-demand consultations with physicians using their phone, computer, or mobile device. These consultations can occur in real time through live video chats or messaging, allowing patients and doctors to communicate at different times. It offers patients a convenient means to promptly connect with healthcare experts and seek answers to their queries.

Benefits of Teleconsultation

Teleconsultation offers greater convenience compared to physical appointments, reducing the time and expenses associated with transportation. It also gives patients comfort in discussing their conditions with their doctor via the phone or video call compared to face-to-face setups. 

Here are some more advantages of teleconsultations:

Convenience – Patients can access medical advice and care from the comfort of their own homes, reducing the need for travel.

Accessibility Teleconsultation overcomes geographic barriers, making healthcare services available to individuals in remote or underserved areas.

Time and Cost Savings – Patients save time and money on transportation and waiting room visits.

Immediate Care – Teleconsultation provides quicker access to healthcare professionals, which can be crucial in urgent situations.

Continuity of Care – It allows for ongoing monitoring and follow-up consultations, improving the management of chronic conditions.

Reduced Risk of Infection Especially important during disease outbreaks, teleconsultation minimises exposure to contagious illnesses in waiting rooms.

Specialist Access Patients can quickly consult with specialists, even if they are located far away.

Objectives of TeleKonsulta

TeleKonsulta guarantees that every Filipino has equal access to high-quality and cost-effective healthcare services while safeguarding them from financial risks.

The goal of PhilHealth Konsulta is to:

  • Safeguard the well-being of all Filipinos by preventing chronic diseases.
  • Prevent complications by detecting health issues early.
  • Offer accessible and reasonably priced medications and pharmaceuticals.

Services of TeleKonsulta

Together with the program, the LGU has just introduced free Wi-Fi services in the barangays to enhance the accessibility of teleconsultation. It was also mentioned that a group of physicians and healthcare staff are deployed for this initiative.

According to Mary June Villasawa-Enriquez, the town’s public information officer, If TeleKonsulta patients need additional assessments such as lab tests, the healthcare providers will give priority and assist them in scheduling a visit to the Rural Health Unit.

Doctor’s Encouragement

Dr. Jocelyn Agonoy, a Physician at Allied Care Expert (ACE) Medical Center – Quezon City, shared her insights about the launching of TeleKonsulta in Negros Oriental. She shared, “The introduction of TeleKonsulta in Negros Oriental has the potential to enhance healthcare access in the Philippines greatly to enhance healthcare access in the Philippines greatly. This can bridge the gaps and limitations that most patients in rural areas encounter. However, ensuring technology access and healthcare provider training is essential. Policymakers must support and expand these services to ensure equitable healthcare access for underserved communities.”

She also shared words of encouragement to her fellow Filipinos, saying, “Embracing technology as a tool for improving health is a powerful and positive step forward. It empowers patients to take control of their well-being and opens doors to a world of resources and support. Technology is a great tool that can make healthcare more accessible and convenient. They must not hesitate to explore and utilise these digital resources to enhance their health journey.”

A Service to a Healthy Future

La Libertad’s “TeleKonsulta” marks a significant leap in healthcare access for 21 barangays, offering swift online medical consultations. This innovation streamlines care, making it more immediate, cost-effective, and pandemic-resilient. Additionally, with the added boon of free Wi-Fi and a dedicated healthcare team, it promises a healthier, interconnected community.

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Discover how La Libertad in Negros Oriental is transforming healthcare access with “TeleKonsulta,” offering online medical consultations to 21 barangays. This innovative program enhances patient convenience, reduces costs, and overcomes geographical barriers, ensuring all Filipinos have equal access to high-quality healthcare. Therefore, with free Wi-Fi services and a dedicated healthcare team, it’s a leap forward in immediate, cost-effective, and pandemic-resilient care, promising a healthier, interconnected community. 

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