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The Philippines’ House of Representatives Commitment to Health Services Enhancement

House of Representatives the Philippines Healthcare

In a recent address at the Spring Brunch and Education Forum in Tagaytay City, Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez unveiled the House of Representatives plans. The main objective of the proposed idea is to revolutionise health services and primary care for all Filipinos.

Romualdez emphasised the commitment of the House of Representatives to collaborate with executive agencies and uplift the living conditions of citizens. They aim to do so through a series of initiatives and legislative reforms.

Comprehensive Review of PhilHealth Charter

At the forefront of these initiatives is the comprehensive review of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) charter. PhilHealth is known as the nation’s premier health insurance provider. Speaker Romualdez stressed the importance of aligning PhilHealth with the efficiency standards of health maintenance organisations. This aims for a system that expands coverage and evolves into a pillar of the Universal Health Care System. This comprehensive review involves meticulous examination and consultation with healthcare experts, stakeholders, and the public. This is done to ensure that the reformed PhilHealth charter reflects the needs and aspirations of all Filipinos.

PhilHealth’s Swift Response and Enhanced Benefits

Romualdez commended PhilHealth for its rapid response to House advocacy during National Women’s Month. He cited the increase in the benefit package for breast cancer patients to PHP1.4 million. This is an increase from the previous PHP100,000 coverage. He also praised PhilHealth’s initiative to provide free annual mammogram and ultrasound services, slated to begin in July. This was a testament to the administration’s commitment to preventive care and ensuring access to essential diagnostic services for every woman. This proactive approach improves healthcare outcomes and empowers women to prioritise their health and well-being.

Establishment of the Philippine Cancer Center

Highlighting the government’s dedication to healthcare, Romualdez announced the establishment of the Philippine Cancer Center in Quezon City. The center is set to be constructed on a 5,000-square-meter lot within the Philippine Blood Center complex in Diliman. In addition, it will also serve as a modern teaching and research hospital. Each of its 20 floors is dedicated to different types of cancers. It aims to provide comprehensive services encompassing diagnosis, treatment, research, and patient support. Hence, establishing this state-of-the-art facility represents a significant milestone in the fight against cancer in the Philippines.

Legislative Achievements and Oversight Role

Speaker Romualdez also underscored several legislative achievements aimed at healthcare reform and accessibility. These include amendments to the Universal Health Care Act, the Magna Carta of Barangay Health Workers, and the establishment of the Virology Institute of the Philippines. Additionally, he emphasised the House’s active oversight role in monitoring the implementation of health-related laws. In particular, they will address gaps in services for senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Through rigorous legislative oversight and collaboration with relevant stakeholders, the House seeks to ensure that healthcare policies are effectively implemented and that the needs of vulnerable populations are adequately addressed.

Innovative Initiatives and Future Prospects

In addition to legislative reforms, Speaker Romualdez highlighted the importance of innovative initiatives to improve healthcare accessibility and quality. He emphasised the role of technology in enhancing healthcare delivery. Additionally, he cited ongoing efforts to digitize health records and implement telemedicine services in underserved areas. Romualdez also expressed optimism about future prospects, including collaborations with international partners to strengthen healthcare infrastructure and capacity-building programs for healthcare professionals. By embracing innovation and harnessing the power of technology, the House aims to create a more resilient and responsive healthcare system that meets the evolving needs of the Filipino people.


In conclusion, Speaker Romualdez’s address outlines the House of Representatives’ transformative agenda to enhance health services and primary care for all Filipinos. Through collaboration with executive agencies, legislative reforms, and innovative initiatives, the House aims to ensure that healthcare in the Philippines is not only comprehensive and accessible but also compassionate and equitable.

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