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Unexpected Early Pregnancy Symptoms You Might Overlook

Beyond the Obvious: Unexpected Early Pregnancy Symptoms

While many are aware of typical early pregnancy signs like nausea or breast tenderness, there exist some unexpected early pregnancy symptoms that are often overlooked. Let’s delve into three of these lesser-known indicators.

1. Metallic Taste in the Mouth

Imagine sipping your morning coffee or enjoying a delicious dinner, only to be met with an unexpected and uninvited metallic taste. This change in taste sensation, known as dysgeusia, is a lesser-known early pregnancy symptom that regularly gets overlooked.

Why Does This Happen?

But why does this happen? One study shows that hormonal changes, especially the increase in progesterone levels that begin 5–6 weeks after conception, are the likely culprits. These hormonal shifts coincide with the most marked decrease in taste sensations, affecting various taste thresholds. 

Despite initial thoughts, it’s not related to zinc deficiency, as was once believed. The zinc levels in the studied pregnant women were within the normal range, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, making it an unlikely cause for the change in taste.

When Do Changes Occur?

Specifically, in the first trimester, the taste thresholds for sweet and salty flavours showed a significant increase. This unexpected change can alter the flavours of food and beverages, leading to that strange metallic taste sensation. So, if you’re suddenly noticing that your favourite foods taste differently or there’s a metallic tang lingering in your mouth, it might be more than just an off day for your taste buds.

2. Excessive Salivation (Ptyalism Gravidarum)

Imagine feeling the constant need to spit due to an uncontrollable flow of saliva. This condition, known as ptyalism gravidarum, is another unexpected symptom that some pregnant individuals might experience.

Why Does It Happen?

The exact cause of ptyalism gravidarum remains a mystery. It’s thought to have a physiological origin, related to neural control and stimulation of the parasympathetic nerve supply of the salivary gland. This stimulation causes a profuse watery secretion, leaving the affected individual constantly dealing with excessive saliva.

Coping Strategies

Patients have used various coping strategies, such as chewing gum or sucking ice, to find temporary relief. Despite these efforts, the excessive or thickened saliva often perpetuates the sense of nausea, and many report a bad taste in their mouth. 

Some have tried medications or natural remedies like alpinia oxyphylla, a medicinal plant used in China for digestion, antidiuresis, and salivation restraint. However, these treatments have shown limited and varied success.


While not a serious condition leading to adverse perinatal outcomes, ptyalism gravidarum can cause considerable distress and discomfort throughout pregnancy. It may lead to difficulties in social encounters, nocturnal awakenings due to excessive secretions, and a continued sense of nausea.

3. Nosebleeds and Nasal Congestion

The occurrence of nosebleeds during pregnancy is a surprising but not uncommon symptom. The hormonal changes and increased blood flow experienced during pregnancy cause the blood vessels in the nose to expand, leading to more frequent nosebleeds or even nasal congestion.

Why Does It Happen?

Pregnancy triggers elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone, which increase the vascularity of the nasal mucosa. This hormonal influence can lead to potentiated and prolonged bleeding, making pregnant individuals more susceptible to nosebleeds. The additional blood volume due to progesterone further exacerbates both vascular congestion and bleeding, heightening this vulnerability.

Management and Treatment

Addressing severe nosebleeds during pregnancy typically involves conservative measures such as intravenous tranexamic acid administration, anterior packing, and bipolar cautery. 

However, in cases where these treatments prove insufficient, more radical interventions may be considered. The case study mentioned above exemplifies such a situation, where the resolution of nosebleeds was only achieved post-delivery.

A Caution for Expecting Individuals

Recognizing that nosebleeds can be part of the pregnancy experience is essential for expecting individuals. This awareness underlines the importance of early consultation and intervention to ensure the well-being of both the individual and the fetus. Adequate medical attention and management can help mitigate the associated risks, offering a safer and more comfortable pregnancy journey.

Understanding the Unexpected Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Navigating the path of pregnancy can be full of surprises, and understanding these lesser-known symptoms is crucial for expecting individuals. A metallic taste, excessive salivation, or unexpected nosebleeds may not be the first signs that come to mind when thinking about early pregnancy, but awareness of these symptoms can contribute to a more informed and prepared pregnancy journey. 

It’s essential for individuals to listen to their bodies and seek medical consultation for any unusual or distressing symptoms. Healthcare professionals can provide guidance, support, and necessary interventions to ensure the health and well-being of both the individual and the unborn child. 

The journey of pregnancy, filled with its myriad changes and challenges, is a significant phase in life, and understanding all possible symptoms and signs can make the path smoother and more manageable for every expecting parent.


  1. Kuga, M., Ikeda, M., Suzuki, K., & Takeuchi, S. (2002, January 1). Changes in Gustatory Sense During Pregnancy. Acta Oto-laryngologica; Informa.
  2. Suzuki, S. (2009, November 1). Ptyalism gravidarum. PubMed Central (PMC).,the%20first%20trimester%20of%20pregnancy.
  3. Piccioni, M. G., Derme, M., Salerno, L., Morrocchi, E., Pecorini, F., Porpora, M. G., & Brunelli, R. (2019, January 20). Management of Severe Epistaxis during Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology; Hindawi Publishing Corporation.

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