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Search Results for: Makeup

dilla jaidi skincare double cleansing

How Does Dilla Jaidi Beat Acne While Wearing Makeup Daily?

Dilla Jaidi, a prominent influencer, has sensitive skin prone to acne. Despite regularly applying makeup, she maintains a clear complexion. Her skincare regimen includes double cleansing, selecting suitable makeup, and avoiding heavy-textured cosmetics. This article explores Dilla’s methods, providing valuable insights for those with similar skin concerns.

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Dr Francisco Salcido-Ochoa on ADPKD

Understanding Polycystic Kidney Disease: Guest Column by Dr Francisco Salcido-Ochoa

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease, commonly referred to as ADPKD or simply Polycystic Kidney Disease, stands as a notable hereditary condition stemming from genetic mutations responsible for maintaining the intricate structure of our kidneys. While statistical prevalence varies globally, it is estimated that around 5 to 10 cases per 10,000 births are affected by this condition – a figure that places it within the realm of relatively common disorders.

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The Unseen Foe: Exploring the ACL Injury Epidemic at Women’s World Cup

As the Women’s World Cup gets underway, we look at an epidemic looming over women’s football. This epidemic has caused the absence of several significant players from the World Cup. The culprit is a series of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries, an issue plaguing many of the sport’s leading figures, causing worry and uncertainty within the community.

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