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Why Does Colour Blindness Affect More Men Than Women?

Colour blindness, primarily affecting men, is a fascinating genetic phenomenon.

This condition, where individuals struggle to differentiate certain colours, is significantly more common in males than females. The root of this disparity lies in the genetic makeup of X and Y chromosomes.

Colour Blindness Prevalence: A Gendered Perspective

Moving forward, let’s examine the prevalence of colour blindness across genders, a key area where the genetics manifest distinctly. Studies show a clear disparity in the occurrence of colour blindness between men and women. A comprehensive study reported in the ‘Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics’ provides concrete statistics in this regard. It was observed that the prevalence of colour blindness in male students was notably higher at 4.29%, compared to just 1.58% in female students. These figures are consistent across various demographic groups, underlining the significant impact of the X-linked genetic trait on this condition’s prevalence​​.

Such statistics are crucial in understanding how genetic factors play a role in the occurrence of colour blindness and its higher frequency in males due to their XY chromosomal structure.

Types of Colour Blindness: A Closer Look at Gender Variations

Colour blindness manifests in various forms, each with unique characteristics and frequencies among men and women. The most common types are red-green colour deficiencies, which are more prevalent in men due to the genetic transmission associated with the X chromosome. 

A study focusing on different types of Colour Vision Deficiency (CVD) among students revealed that deutan (green colour deficiency) and protan (red colour deficiency) were the predominant types observed, with higher incidence rates in male students. Specifically, deutan was prevalent at 2.33% among males, while the combined prevalence of deutanomaly and protanomaly in females was noted to be 0.79%​​.

These findings provide a clear picture of how different types of colour blindness are distributed across genders, further emphasising the role of genetics in this disparity.

Living with Colour Blindness: Challenges and Adaptations

Colour blindness significantly affects daily life, influencing various aspects such as health, emotions, and career choices. Research by Dr. John Barry from UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, in collaboration with the University of Birmingham Academic Unit of Ophthalmology, developed a scale to measure the impact of colour blindness on quality of life. 

Their study, involving 419 participants with congenital colour vision deficiency, revealed that colour blindness can considerably impact quality of life in multiple domains. This includes challenges in interpreting colour-coded information, which is prevalent in many aspects of modern life, such as maps, graphs, and medications. The study emphasises the need for awareness and adaptations in various settings, including workplaces, to accommodate individuals with colour vision deficiencies​​.

Advancements in Colour Blindness

Recent advancements in managing and supporting individuals with colour blindness are promising. Innovations in technology are playing a significant role in improving the lives of those with colour vision deficiencies. For instance, there are developments in creating plasmonic contact lenses, which serve as effective colour filters to correct colour blindness. 

These lenses stand out for their biocompatibility, low cost, stability, and ease of fabrication. Furthermore, improvements in digital tools and software are helping to adapt visual content. This makes it more accessible for those with colour vision deficiencies. For example, certain software solutions are now available that can modify colour schemes in figures and graphs to be more discernible for individuals with colour blindness.

These technological advancements highlight a growing emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility. This ensures that individuals with colour vision deficiencies can more easily navigate and interpret the colour-dependent aspects of daily life.

Looking Towards the Future

The future of colour blindness management and support is bright, with ongoing research and technological advancements. Emerging technologies, like augmented reality (AR) and gene therapy, show potential in offering more sophisticated solutions. AR can enhance real-world environments, making it easier for individuals with colour blindness to distinguish colours. 

Meanwhile, gene therapy research is exploring ways to address the genetic roots of colour blindness. These developments suggest a promising future in which we could more effectively manage colour vision deficiencies, thereby enhancing the quality of life for those affected. 


  1. U. (2019, February 1). New scale measures impact of colour blindness on quality of life. UCL Psychology and Language Sciences.
  2. Fakorede, S. T., Akpan, L. G., Adekoya, K. O., & Oboh, B. O. (2022, March 31). Prevalence and population genetic data of colour vision deficiency among students from selected tertiary institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria. Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics.
  3. Xiao, F., Cai, G., & Zhang, H. (2016, October 21). Segregation Analysis Suggests That a Genetic Reason May Contribute to “the Dress” Colour Perception. PLOS ONE.
  4. Katsnelson, A. (2021, October 4). Colour me better: fixing figures for colour blindness. Nature.

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