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Hyaluronic Acid: All You Need To Know About It

Hyaluronic acid is a lubricating substance produced by the body that helps retain moisture content. Otherwise called hyaluronan, this substance helps cushion and lubricate the body’s connective tissues. It is found in large amounts in the skin, eyes and other connective tissues. 

Hyaluronic acid depletes in the human body over time. Factors like age and environmental pollution can cause depletion of this acid. However, the good news is that it is possible to replenish the same through topical application and supplements. 

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What Are The Different Types Of Hyaluronic Acid?

There are total of three types:

Hydrolysed hyaluronic acid

This type has moisturising properties but does not offer deep moisturisation. It is best for those with oily skin that requires very little moisturisation. 

Sodium hyaluronate

Sodium hyaluronate goes deep into the skin, but the effect of this type of moisturisation is not long-lasting. This type of acid is best suited for people with normal skin who require a moderate amount of moisturisation. 

Sodium acetylated hyaluronate

This type of hyaluronic acid has a long-lasting effect. It is best suited for those who need deep moisturisation, like those with dry skin or who live in dry regions. 

All these three types of hyaluronic acid can be taken either as an injection or capsule. 

What Are The Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?

Provides a healthy look to the skin

Hyaluronic acid in the skin helps to retain its moisture. As you age, this moisture content in your skin gets reduced. Similarly, external factors like pollution, smoking, and ultraviolet rays can also reduce the amount in the skin. 

Consuming hyaluronic acid supplements helps to provide the required moisture to the skin. This, in turn, reduces the formation of wrinkles and maintain a smooth skin texture. It also keeps the skin more firm and elastic as you age. 

Helps heal wound fast

Hyaluronic acid helps to regulate inflammation levels and signals the body to build more blood vessels in the injured part. This helps the tissue to regenerate fast and heal the wound. Besides, it also decreases the pain. The antibacterial property in the acid helps to fight bacterial infection. 

Because of these reasons, hyaluronic acid is used to speed up the healing after tooth surgery. It also helps to combat gum infections and mouth ulcers. 

Relieves joint pain

The joints in our body are well lubricated so that they do not grind against each other and cause pain. Hyaluronic acid supplements are used for conditions like osteoarthritis, where the joints degenerate owing to wear and tear. Taking these supplements provide enough lubrication, which can reduce joint pain significantly. Besides taking supplements, hyaluronic acid is also injected into the joints to relieve joint pain. 

Soothe the symptoms of acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition in which the stomach’s contents go up into the throat, causing discomfort. It can also damage the lining of the oesophagus. Hyaluronic acid, when taken along with other supplements, helps in relieving and soothing the symptoms caused by acid reflux. 

Soothe dry eyes

There is usually a high concentration of hyaluronic acid in the eyes. As you age, the tears produced in the eyes get reduced. This can result in dry eyes. 

The hydrating property helps in treating dry eyes. Eye drops containing hyaluronic acid can reduce dryness in the eyes to a great extent. During eye surgery like cataract removals, such eye drops are also used to reduce inflammation and speed up healing, as they dop have properties to help wounds heal fast as well (see above). 

Treat vaginal dryness

Women who have undergone menopause experience dryness of the vagina. By using a combination of estrogen cream and hyaluronic acid cream, the dryness can be treated to a great extent. 

Are There Any Side Effects For Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally found in the human body. Thus, applying this acid topically should not produce any adverse reaction. If any adverse reaction occurs after applying this acid, it could be due to other ingredients in the product. 

However, it is always advisable to consult a certified medical practitioner before using any products containing this acid, either topically or internally. 

Can I Apply Hyaluronic Acid Topically On a Daily Basis?

Yes, you can apply hyaluronic acid every day. Before applying you should clean the skin thoroughly. The acid should be applied to damp skin. This ensures that your skin retains enough moisture. You can then top it up with moisturiser or sunscreen as required. 


As you age, your skin tends to lose its moisture and become dry. If proper care is not taken, it can speed up the wrinkling process. To prevent this, it is advisable to apply a protective layer of hyaluronic acid. This helps to retain the moisture on your skin and make it look well hydrated and supple. 

While applying the acid, make sure that you do so on clean and damp skin. If you notice any irritation after applying the same, you should consult a doctor without delay.

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