Salt and Skin: Exploring the Connection Between Diet and Eczema

eczema salt intake
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic, relapsing, inflammatory skin condition characterised by the development of intense eczematous lesions and severe itching. This condition results in significant discomfort and distress to sufferers. Typically, eczema develops in childhood and in approximately 80% of children with eczema, the disease persists into adulthood. In higher-income countries, rapid urbanisation has led to the disease affecting around 20% of children and up to 10% of adults. Globally, eczema impacts around 194.4 million people. Alarmingly, the prevalence of eczema is increasing worldwide, including in large parts of Asia. In Southeast Asia alone, between 3.7- 13.5% of children aged 6-7 years old suffer from eczema. It becomes crucial to understand the factors contributing to eczema and how to manage it effectively.

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