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Singapore Advances Alzheimer’s Diagnosis with Local Cerebrospinal Fluid Testing

In a significant stride towards combating Alzheimer’s disease, Singapore’s National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) has launched a pioneering initiative to conduct local cerebrospinal fluid tests. 

This not only slashes the costs by more than half, but also accelerates the path to early diagnosis and treatment. By harnessing cutting-edge scientific research, Singapore is at the forefront of providing accessible, efficient Alzheimer’s detection.

Groundbreaking Advancement in Early Detection

Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of dementia, significantly impacts cognitive abilities and daily functioning, presenting a global health challenge. Singapore’s National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) has made a landmark advancement in tackling Alzheimer’s with the initiation of local cerebrospinal fluid testing. 

This innovative approach drastically reduces costs and shortens the wait times for diagnosis. Leveraging the latest scientific findings, this initiative positions Singapore as a pioneer in adopting and integrating cutting-edge healthcare solutions for Alzheimer’s and dementia care.

The Science Behind the Test

The diagnosis hinges on analysing cerebrospinal fluid, a clear, colourless liquid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, for amyloid and tau proteins. These proteins are pivotal in the early detection of Alzheimer’s, serving as markers for the disease. 

Dementia affects an estimated 86,000 individuals in Singapore, expected to rise to 152,000 by 2030. The imperative for early detection and timely intervention is critical.

The capability to accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s in its nascent stages, thanks to the detection of specific biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid, represents a significant leap forward. This local testing service will not only benefit Singaporeans but also offering a regional resource, thus positioning Singapore as a leader in healthcare innovation.

Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease represents the most prevalent cause of dementia, affecting memory and cognitive functions and leading to significant challenges for individuals, families, and healthcare systems globally. Dementia impacts over 55 million people worldwide, with Alzheimer’s accounting for 60-70% of these cases. The World Health Organization highlights dementia as a leading cause of disability and dependency among older adults. This emphasizes its role as the seventh leading cause of death globally​​.

The burden of Alzheimer’s and dementia is not only a health issue but also a significant economic challenge. The total global cost of dementia was estimated to surpass $1 trillion in 2019, indicating the substantial economic impact of the disease on societies worldwide​​. This cost encompasses medical care, social care, and the invaluable, often unacknowledged, informal care provided by family and friends.

Early diagnosis and intervention in Alzheimer’s disease are crucial. They can slow disease progression, enhance quality of life, and reduce healthcare costs. Yet, diagnosing Alzheimer’s remains complex, compounded by the gradual onset of symptoms and the absence of a single diagnostic test. Advances in diagnostic methods, including cerebrospinal fluid analysis, offer promise for earlier and more accurate detection of the disease. 

Evolving Techniques in Alzheimer’s Detection

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease involves a comprehensive evaluation. This includes assessing cognitive functions, mental status, and physical health to rule out other conditions. The process typically starts with detailed interviews and mental status tests to evaluate memory, problem-solving abilities, and language skills. Specialists conduct these evaluations to determine the extent of cognitive impairment and its impact on daily activities​​.

Laboratory tests are conducted to eliminate other potential causes of symptoms, like thyroid disorders or vitamin deficiencies. In certain cases, especially those presenting atypical or rapidly progressive symptoms, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is recommended. This test measures levels of specific proteins associated with Alzheimer’s, providing valuable diagnostic information​​.

Brain imaging plays a crucial role in diagnosing Alzheimer’s, although no single test definitively identifies the disease. Techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerised Tomography (CT) scans offer detailed brain images, helping to rule out other conditions and evaluate the extent of brain degeneration. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans can identify regions with decreased glucose metabolism or the presence of amyloid plaques and tau tangles, further supporting a diagnosis​​.

The benefits of an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis are substantial. By offering individuals a chance to plan for their future, manage symptoms with medication and non-drug interventions, and participate in clinical trials. An early diagnosis also provides families and caregivers the opportunity to prepare for the progression of the disease, addressing financial, legal, and care planning needs ahead of time​​.

Towards a Future of Improved Care

The introduction of local cerebrospinal fluid testing for Alzheimer’s by NNI marks a pivotal advancement in the early detection and management of the disease in Singapore. This initiative not only enhances affordability and accessibility but also embodies Singapore’s forward-thinking approach to healthcare, promising better outcomes for patients.


  1. World Alzheimer Report 2021: Journey through the diagnosis of dementia. (2021, September 21). ADI – World Alzheimer Report 2021.
  2. ADI – Dementia statistics. (n.d.). ADI – Dementia Statistics.
  3. Dementia. (2023, March 15).
  4. Tan, J. (2024, March 12). Test to detect Alzheimer’s early now done in S’pore, cutting costs. The Straits Times.

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