calsense AI NUHS

New AI Helps Doctors Spot High Calcium

A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by the National University Health System (NUHS) can flag high calcium levels in the blood to doctors in real-time, prompting faster patient care.

stress MHI mental health index workplace productivity
Mental Health

Asia’s Workplace Mental Health Crisis: Alarming Rise in Productivity Impact

The recent pan-Asia TELUS Mental Health Index report, a collaborative endeavour by AON and TELUS Health, brings alarming figures to light. Across 12 Asian nations, 82% of workers experience moderate to high mental health risks, underscoring the urgency of addressing workplace well-being in the region.

Singapore Blue Zone

Singapore Named World’s Sixth Blue Zone: Blessing or Curse?

Explorer Dan Buettner has named Singapore a Blue Zone in his new Netflix documentary, calling it an “engineered blue zone” with the longest and healthiest population. But do Singaporeans feel their home matches Buettner’s idyllic descriptions?

World Alzheimer's Day
Mental Health

“Never too early, never too late” – Identify Alzheimer’s Risk And Be Proactive

World Alzheimer’s Day, celebrated globally every 21st September, serves as a watershed moment for raising awareness and combating the stigma of Alzheimer’s disease. Particularly in Asia, where a staggering 23 million individuals are estimated to be living with dementia, this day has played a crucial role in sparking conversations and urging interventions.

leptospirosis flooding manila philippines

Leptospirosis Cases Surge in Philippines Amid Heavy Rains and Floods

Heavy rains and consecutive flooding events triggered by typhoons and the southwest monsoon (“habagat”) are linked to a sharp rise in leptospirosis cases in the Philippines. In just one month, there’s been a 139% increase nationwide, according to the Department of Health (DOH).